Health & Medical Yoga

The Amazing Diversity of Meditation Groups in the Studio City - Los Angeles Area

When I re-located to Studio City and became involved with meditation groups in the Los Angeles area, I was amazed to find so much diversity.
While I have no actual statistics to back it up, I would have to say that there are more meditation groups and classes in Los Angeles than any other Major metropolitan area.
If you are looking for a meditation group in Los Angeles, or even Studio City, I am sure you can find one that will suit your needs.
Many yoga studios, such as Angel City Yoga where I offer guided meditations, offer meditation classes or groups.
The connection between yoga and meditation is well known, of course, and many people just naturally assume that they will be able to find a meditation group at a studio that teaches yoga.
Another good place to find meditation classes or groups is with any of the many Eastern religions that are represented in the Southern California area.
Because of its location, Los Angeles is home to many communities that support the religious customs and ways of people who have emigrated from the countries of the Pacific Rim.
They have brought their faith and practices with them and share their knowledge of meditation with anyone who is interested in learning how to meditate.
While that alternative works for some people, because they are part of a religion, some people are uncomfortable with that approach and would like to stick with strictly learning how to relax and to go into what is known as the meditative trance state.
Then there is also the so called, "new age" method of meditation and enlightenment.
New Age is an eclectic mix of Eastern Mysticism and modern beliefs.
There are many new age groups who practice meditation in one form or another, as well.
But once again, because the New Age methods may be based on spiritual or religious beliefs, some people shy away from them and join a group that is simply using meditation as a means for relaxation and self improvement through inner self management.

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