Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Good Psychological Defenses

Now you might know that people use psychological defenses to cloak themselves with a certain sense of identity in ways that may be illusionary.
But there are psychological defenses that do not do that.
These are healthy defenses that are used as coping mechanisms without making illusions or pretenses.
Here is a list of healthy psychological defenses.
Consider events that may happen in the future.
But this must not be overanxious worrying.
It is simply a consideration of the future, and thinking of possible solutions for problems that may happen.
Be solution oriented as much as possible.
Dwelling on your problems can only make them worse.
Mere superficial positive thinking will not do.
If you cannot think of realistic solutions to your problems on your own, okay read the next kind of healthy psychological defense.
Ask for help from others.
Seek support.
Join support groups.
Seek out help from people you trust, and people that understand you and your situation.
Seek ways to reach out for others.
Join clubs and organizations that dedicate themselves to helping the needy and the downtrodden.
Have a sense of humor.
Find what is ironic or funny about certain situations in life appropriately.
Be assertive in honest ways.
Do not resort to manipulative and coercive ways to get what you want.
Practice reflection and meditation.
Identify your emotions and thoughts about certain situations.
Reflect on the events of your life and what they mean for you.
Try to find a good hobby.
You can use art, playing games and sports and exercise, for example.
Do not dwell on the traumatic or disturbing events or thoughts.
But make sure you do not live in denial.
It is helpful to look back at disturbing events once in a while in an appropriate setting (such as in therapy for instance).
These healthy defenses can help you cope through daily disturbances and traumatic experiences.
However, when trauma comes, usually you might begin to question your sense of purpose and even existence in this world.
Therefore, other techniques are necessary for healthy adaptation as the situation calls for it.
You must always identify your psychological defenses as often as you can-calling to mind that there are defenses that are rather unhealthy, even though these may serve to temporarily keep us from getting hurt or feeling the pain inside us.
Living an honest, true life demands an honest self-assessment.

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