Home & Garden Home Appliances

How to Secure an Air Conditioner in Vinyl Windows

Things You'll Need



Drill pilot holes to secure the bracket to the frame of your vinyl window. The bracket is secured on the outside of the window frame in a few locations.

Use a power screwdriver and the screws that came with the bracket to install it on the vinyl window frame. The bracket will now be outside the window.

Grip the air conditioner on both sides and lift it up using your legs, not your back. Place it within the window frame. The back end will be sitting against the bracket you installed.

Pull the window shut and pull the panels on either side of the air conditioner out until they touch the vinyl window frame.

Drill pilot holes where the panels overlap the edge of the window frame that's directly above the air conditioner.

Attach the panels to the window frame using a few more screws and your power screwdriver.

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