What Is Miracle-Gro Potting Soil Made Of?
- Miracle-Gro's organic mix contains 10 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphorous and 5 percent potash, derived from poultry litter. The mix also contains composted bark and an organic wetting agent.
- This product contains Miracle-Gro Continuous Release Plant Food, composed of 21 percent nitrogen, 7 percent phosphorus and 14 percent potash.
- This potting mix contains 5 percent nitrogen, 1 percent phosphate, and 5 percent potash, derived from urea, ammonium phosphate and potassium nitrate. It also contains a wetting agent.
- Composted coconut hulls are added to this product. Called Aqua Coir, this ingredient is added to increase water absorption.
- Some Miracle-Gro potting soils contain Osmocote fertilizer, which appears as clear, fluid-filled balls, according to company literature.
- State Department of Agriculture regulations governing fertilizers and pesticides can be found at http://www.regulatory-info-sc.com.