How Tall Is a Dwarf Sunflower?
- While the standard sunflower plant often reaches heights of nearly 6 feet, the dwarf varieties grow to about half that height or smaller. The University of Minnesota Extension reports that dwarf sunflowers range from 1 to 3 feet in height. Must cultivars are at the tall end of that range. Pinching off the emerging sprouts slows early growth. This results in a shorter and bushier plant but reduces the bloom's size.
- Space smaller plants closer together than larger plants. Thin dwarf sunflower rows to one plant every 12 inches. This compares to 2- or 3-foot spacing for the standard variety. Closer spacing forms a denser grouping of plants but reduces the size of the plants and blooms.
- Gardeners sometimes plant standard sunflowers in the garden's back row with the dwarf varieties in front of them. Because the flowers face east when blooming, this produces an attractive wall of color. Plant the dwarf varieties later than the standard because of the shorter growing seasons.
- The University of Minnesota Extension lists the Music Box Mix and Big Smile as cultivars adapted to Northern gardens. North Carolina State University lists the Ring of Fire and the Sundance Kid as cultivars fitted for southern gardens. Both universities list the Pacino cultivar.