Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking and Save Your Life

There are lots of people from all over the world who smoke.
Smoking is a fashion in the current time.
But people do not understand the ill effect of smoking.
It can really kill you.
Your life span can come down by 5 to 15 years based on how many times you smoke each day.
It is very important that you quit smoking as soon as you can.
But it is not that easy.
Hence it is important that you understand how to quit smoking.
There are lots of products in the market which can help you quit smoking over a period of time.
Smoking Can Kill you Fast.
It is a generally known fact that smoking is a bad, risky and dangerous habit, with very painful result in the end, not only for an individual but also for the immediate family and friends.
As still a lot of people are into this dreadful habit, and many want to opt out of it, but the craving keeps taking them back.
The end result of a smoker can be heart disease, blood pressure, cancer or a stroke.
The irony of all this is that the person is spending money to buy disease and death, where as all the hard earned money should go to buy a healthy life.
If you do not love your family then you can continue with smoking which could be a killer.
Always try to quit smoking at any cost.
Smoking is Very Addictive.
We all know it's very easy to pick a habit, but quitting is another challenge.
Cigarette has dried tobacco leaf in it, which in turn has nicotine, and this is highly addictive, that's why a person keeps turning back for more.
There are some great humans who have been able to quit outright.
But most cannot take that route.
So then take the steady way out.
Start by buying less, for example for those who buy a carton, they should cut down to a pack.
The guy on a pack should try to do with a cigarette at a time.
Also raise your tolerance and whenever the craving starts, delay lighting one by as much as possible.
Make access difficult, don't have an odd one stashed somewhere, just in case.
It's a big effort, but many have done it before now, and so can you if you really set your mind to it.

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