Change Your Physiology to Change Your Motivation Level
When you're physically charged up, you'll also emotionally be more determined and motivated. Likewise, when you're physically feeling dull, you'll also emotionally feel unmotivated and not want to do anything.
One tested and proven way to build your motivation level is to change your physiology. Using the mind body link, you'll be able to instantly supercharge your motivation level.
Here's how to do it.
Changing the Way You Breathe
The way you breathe has a lot to do with your overall physiology and emotional state.
Most people breathe in a short and shallow manner. This gets less oxygen to the body and tends to cultivate a less motivated mindset.
Deeper breaths get more oxygen to your brain, stimulates your body's immune system and energizes your neurology.
If you can get in the habit of breathing deeper regularly, you'll be more energetic in general, more clear headed and more motivated.
Body Posture
Try slumping your shoulders and curving your back and holding that position for a minute. Then try straightening your shoulders and straightening your back and holding that for a minute.
Did you notice a difference? Most likely, when you were slouched over, you felt less motivated and more depressed. When you held a strong posture, you probably felt more energized and more empowered.
The way you hold your body can have a big impact on how you feel. Make a decision to only hold your body in empowering postures from now on.
You might catch yourself reverting back to old habits every once in a while. When you do, just straighten out your posture again.
The Instant Motivation Kickstart
Every once in a while, you might feel like you need a boost of motivation. The instant motivation kickstart technique can do this.
To give yourself a boost of energy and motivation, give yourself a boost of physical movement. Find a private place, perhaps a bathroom or an empty room to do this.
Once you're alone, take a deep breath and get in motion. Get your body energized by jumping, air boxing or doing pushups. In short, just do whatever gets you physically fired up.
This may seem silly at first, but if you really give it 100% you'll notice the difference. Get your blood flowing and oxygen pumping and your motivation level will go up.
Add in Exercise for Long Term Motivation
Everything we've talked about so far will help build your motivation levels in the short run.
In the long run however, the most effective physiological tool you could use to build your motivation level is exercise.
Exercise helps purchase your body of toxins, gets more blood to the brain and gets more oxygen to your blood cells.
Exercise has been repeatedly linked to better memory, feeling more energetic throughout the day and higher levels of motivation.
Furthermore, if you're able to stick with a workout schedule, that in and of itself will build a sense of accomplishment. That sense of accomplishment will drive you want to accomplish even more.
These are all different ways you can use your body and your physiology to increase your level of motivation.
Jose V Coba MD MPH
One tested and proven way to build your motivation level is to change your physiology. Using the mind body link, you'll be able to instantly supercharge your motivation level.
Here's how to do it.
Changing the Way You Breathe
The way you breathe has a lot to do with your overall physiology and emotional state.
Most people breathe in a short and shallow manner. This gets less oxygen to the body and tends to cultivate a less motivated mindset.
Deeper breaths get more oxygen to your brain, stimulates your body's immune system and energizes your neurology.
If you can get in the habit of breathing deeper regularly, you'll be more energetic in general, more clear headed and more motivated.
Body Posture
Try slumping your shoulders and curving your back and holding that position for a minute. Then try straightening your shoulders and straightening your back and holding that for a minute.
Did you notice a difference? Most likely, when you were slouched over, you felt less motivated and more depressed. When you held a strong posture, you probably felt more energized and more empowered.
The way you hold your body can have a big impact on how you feel. Make a decision to only hold your body in empowering postures from now on.
You might catch yourself reverting back to old habits every once in a while. When you do, just straighten out your posture again.
The Instant Motivation Kickstart
Every once in a while, you might feel like you need a boost of motivation. The instant motivation kickstart technique can do this.
To give yourself a boost of energy and motivation, give yourself a boost of physical movement. Find a private place, perhaps a bathroom or an empty room to do this.
Once you're alone, take a deep breath and get in motion. Get your body energized by jumping, air boxing or doing pushups. In short, just do whatever gets you physically fired up.
This may seem silly at first, but if you really give it 100% you'll notice the difference. Get your blood flowing and oxygen pumping and your motivation level will go up.
Add in Exercise for Long Term Motivation
Everything we've talked about so far will help build your motivation levels in the short run.
In the long run however, the most effective physiological tool you could use to build your motivation level is exercise.
Exercise helps purchase your body of toxins, gets more blood to the brain and gets more oxygen to your blood cells.
Exercise has been repeatedly linked to better memory, feeling more energetic throughout the day and higher levels of motivation.
Furthermore, if you're able to stick with a workout schedule, that in and of itself will build a sense of accomplishment. That sense of accomplishment will drive you want to accomplish even more.
These are all different ways you can use your body and your physiology to increase your level of motivation.
Jose V Coba MD MPH