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Pool and Its Variations

Pool has always been one of my favorite games.
This is simply because it is so much more than a game; it is more of a social event actually.
Teenagers twenty years ago would meet up for an evening out and a game of pool and fortunately this is one of the things that has not changed today because today's teens too love going out for a game or two of pool with their gang.
But, pool can be played in a lot of ways.
A bit of bending and twisting the rules can give you different variations.
In fact some people know it as Billiards or some people know it even as Snooker.
But there is a marked difference between the games.
Billiards Billiards may look much the same as pool to an observer but it is not.
For starters, smaller balls are used when people play this game, what is more only three balls are used.
The colors of these balls are white, red and yellow.
Plus, you can use both the light colored balls - yellow and white - as strikers.
If you look at it in a particular way, you will see that Billiards is basically pool but without any pockets, even the cloth on the table is faster.
Basically, the objective of the game is to hit the ball, then move three rails and then go on to hit the other ball with the cue ball.
So that's basically how this game is played.
Mighty different from pool, isn't it? Snooker Snooker is the opposite of billiards.
People generally play this game on a much larger table than a pool table.
Plus this table is specially built to have cushions which are way narrower than the ones on a pool table and the pocket openings are eased or rather curved into.
In Snooker, what you need to basically do is somehow score more points than your opponent.
And in order to do this, you need to sink the balls which have a greater point value as fast as you can.
Snooker is a longer game since it is played with 22 balls instead of the 15 that we are generally accustomed to.
15 balls are red, 6 balls are of different colors and of course, there is the striker or the cue ball.
The points for each ball vary according to the color, red balls give you one point only, yellow balls give you two, green balls give you three, a brown ball gives you four points, a blue ball gives you five points, a pink ball is worth six and a black ball is worth a whopping seven points.
So it follows that you need to sink the black ball as fast as you can.
The rules for Snooker may seem a bit overwhelming at first and they sure do need a lot of getting used to.
But don't worry; there are several sites online where you can practice your moves without embarrassing yourself! So when are you going to start playing online pool?

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