The Energy of Conviction
Recently a friend returned from the opening of a new ashram in India.
Set in the south, this ashram has one tonne of pure gold embedded in copper sheets in the roof of the prayer room.
Extravagant don't you think, at gold prices of around $650 an ounce.
They also built a hospital, orphanage, kitchen to feed 10,000 people and more.
So, where's the logic.
Couldn't they spend those millions wasted on a ceiling, on helping more people? To understand their logic we need to visit ancient Egypt.
There, thousands of years ago, they honoured the power of God's by honouring the power of our Sun.
In doing so, they believed that energy radiates from a solid core, and the power of that core, determines the distance of radiation, affect.
So, the realization of the sun, became, and still is today, gold.
Gold of course is currency.
Currency, is money and therefore, according to the ancient philosophers, who are the origin of your religion, gold is wealth, and wealth is love, the power of the Sun, God.
For thousands of years, religions collected the wealth.
They put themselves between the Sun and the Earth.
The Sun being the creation of light, the earth being you.
They put themselves as the transformer, between the power station and the light bulb.
This, is now called religion and the cause of the power wars that plague our planet.
Who gets the people (land) gets the wealth.
The whole idea originated in the same way the ashram just built in India used and that is to create a core, a space, a place from which energy can be thrown out.
Like the Sun, the bigger the energy (hence gold) the more powerful (distance) the throw of the ideology.
So, a centre for world peace that is built from gold can claim more power than one built of stone.
This is why churches, mosques, synagogues, monasteries and places of worship are built with allot of expensive adornment.
The throw of the belief is measured by it.
Drilling down, to a human being, we can say, the more powerfully built offices express and expand a greater conscious affect on the world that smaller cheaper ones.
This is not always reflected as profit.
And if we were to take this a layer deeper we might suggest that the greatest gold on earth is a human conviction.
Conviction is an energy.
It is like the Sun in its power to affect others because conviction is a charisma.
Conviction is not aggression.
Conviction is a commitment deeper and more sustainable than aggression.
Chaos is the other side of love.
Chaos tests conviction.
If you do not have conviction in a relationship, any hardship with separate you.
If you do not have conviction in your business your money will evaporate.
If you do not have conviction in your own life, about your own life, your health will fade.
What is your conviction? Is there a Golden ceiling on your conviction or just a fake one.
Is there an investment in what you wish to share or is it a commercial trick designed to alleviate your fear of financial poverty? We challenge your conviction.
That's our job.
Better us than life itself, because if your commitment and your conviction are not real, nature is going to kick your butt.
Which is better? Live with Spirit Find your own conviction The energy of conviction is the real cause of success.
Set in the south, this ashram has one tonne of pure gold embedded in copper sheets in the roof of the prayer room.
Extravagant don't you think, at gold prices of around $650 an ounce.
They also built a hospital, orphanage, kitchen to feed 10,000 people and more.
So, where's the logic.
Couldn't they spend those millions wasted on a ceiling, on helping more people? To understand their logic we need to visit ancient Egypt.
There, thousands of years ago, they honoured the power of God's by honouring the power of our Sun.
In doing so, they believed that energy radiates from a solid core, and the power of that core, determines the distance of radiation, affect.
So, the realization of the sun, became, and still is today, gold.
Gold of course is currency.
Currency, is money and therefore, according to the ancient philosophers, who are the origin of your religion, gold is wealth, and wealth is love, the power of the Sun, God.
For thousands of years, religions collected the wealth.
They put themselves between the Sun and the Earth.
The Sun being the creation of light, the earth being you.
They put themselves as the transformer, between the power station and the light bulb.
This, is now called religion and the cause of the power wars that plague our planet.
Who gets the people (land) gets the wealth.
The whole idea originated in the same way the ashram just built in India used and that is to create a core, a space, a place from which energy can be thrown out.
Like the Sun, the bigger the energy (hence gold) the more powerful (distance) the throw of the ideology.
So, a centre for world peace that is built from gold can claim more power than one built of stone.
This is why churches, mosques, synagogues, monasteries and places of worship are built with allot of expensive adornment.
The throw of the belief is measured by it.
Drilling down, to a human being, we can say, the more powerfully built offices express and expand a greater conscious affect on the world that smaller cheaper ones.
This is not always reflected as profit.
And if we were to take this a layer deeper we might suggest that the greatest gold on earth is a human conviction.
Conviction is an energy.
It is like the Sun in its power to affect others because conviction is a charisma.
Conviction is not aggression.
Conviction is a commitment deeper and more sustainable than aggression.
Chaos is the other side of love.
Chaos tests conviction.
If you do not have conviction in a relationship, any hardship with separate you.
If you do not have conviction in your business your money will evaporate.
If you do not have conviction in your own life, about your own life, your health will fade.
What is your conviction? Is there a Golden ceiling on your conviction or just a fake one.
Is there an investment in what you wish to share or is it a commercial trick designed to alleviate your fear of financial poverty? We challenge your conviction.
That's our job.
Better us than life itself, because if your commitment and your conviction are not real, nature is going to kick your butt.
Which is better? Live with Spirit Find your own conviction The energy of conviction is the real cause of success.