I Am, Myself and Me
I am a 3 part Being.
Me is my sub-conscious id, my ego is my conscious sense of self & I am my super-conscious Soul.
This is the supra-conscious entity that is me, myself & I.
My Third 'I' is all seeing.
It is my Soul, my inner coach & my spiritual tutor.
Seeing is an intuitive sense.
I see my Soul intuitively.
I know & feel my Soul's presence.
My Soul sees its Self intuitively.
I see all aspects of my Self from my soul's perspective.
My ego self sees only its physical existence.
My Soul is my super-conscious Self.
My super-consciousness transcends physical reality.
It sees all time, all space & all realities; eternally, infinitely & continuously.
Time-space-reality allows my Self to apparently exist independently of my Soul.
My All Seeing Third 'I' is always intuitively there, whether I choose to see it or not.
An Inner Dialogue is a conversation between me & my Self or between my Self & I.
One conversation is enlightening whilst the other can be very confusing.
Me is my sub-conscious id.
I only talk to my sub-conscious id when my ego self disagrees with its apparent choice of conscious perspective.
I is my super-conscious entity.
I listen to my higher enlightened Self when I am empowered to do so.
My self is my conscious sense of ego self as distinct from my sub-conscious or my super-conscious sense of Self.
When I talk to my Self it is good to listen.
When me thinks that it is insane to talk to my Self, I disconnect from the conversation.
Putting up any opposition to my Self is counter-intuitive and counter-productive.
My super-conscious Soul never opposes my choice although my sub-conscious id may well do so.
It is Good to Talk but it is Better to Listen.
There are 3 levels of Consciousness: 1.
The Sub-Conscious Id 2.
The Conscious Ego 3.
The Super-Conscious Entity Each level of Consciousness has 3 potentials: 1.
Its Power of Love 2.
Its Authority of Light 3.
Its Ability of Life Each potential of Consciousness can be measured as: 1.
The Competence or Clarity of its power 2.
The Capacity or Direction of its authority 3.
The Capability or Presence of its ability Each measure of Consciousness is relative to its polar opposite: 1.
Its Incompetence when confused 2.
Its Incapacity when lost 3.
Its Incapability when frustrated All of which can be Individually experienced: 1.
Emotionally 2.
Mentally 3.
Physically This determines or explains the Spirituality or spiritual reality of Me, Myself & I.
Me is my sub-conscious id, my ego is my conscious sense of self & I am my super-conscious Soul.
This is the supra-conscious entity that is me, myself & I.
My Third 'I' is all seeing.
It is my Soul, my inner coach & my spiritual tutor.
Seeing is an intuitive sense.
I see my Soul intuitively.
I know & feel my Soul's presence.
My Soul sees its Self intuitively.
I see all aspects of my Self from my soul's perspective.
My ego self sees only its physical existence.
My Soul is my super-conscious Self.
My super-consciousness transcends physical reality.
It sees all time, all space & all realities; eternally, infinitely & continuously.
Time-space-reality allows my Self to apparently exist independently of my Soul.
My All Seeing Third 'I' is always intuitively there, whether I choose to see it or not.
An Inner Dialogue is a conversation between me & my Self or between my Self & I.
One conversation is enlightening whilst the other can be very confusing.
Me is my sub-conscious id.
I only talk to my sub-conscious id when my ego self disagrees with its apparent choice of conscious perspective.
I is my super-conscious entity.
I listen to my higher enlightened Self when I am empowered to do so.
My self is my conscious sense of ego self as distinct from my sub-conscious or my super-conscious sense of Self.
When I talk to my Self it is good to listen.
When me thinks that it is insane to talk to my Self, I disconnect from the conversation.
Putting up any opposition to my Self is counter-intuitive and counter-productive.
My super-conscious Soul never opposes my choice although my sub-conscious id may well do so.
It is Good to Talk but it is Better to Listen.
There are 3 levels of Consciousness: 1.
The Sub-Conscious Id 2.
The Conscious Ego 3.
The Super-Conscious Entity Each level of Consciousness has 3 potentials: 1.
Its Power of Love 2.
Its Authority of Light 3.
Its Ability of Life Each potential of Consciousness can be measured as: 1.
The Competence or Clarity of its power 2.
The Capacity or Direction of its authority 3.
The Capability or Presence of its ability Each measure of Consciousness is relative to its polar opposite: 1.
Its Incompetence when confused 2.
Its Incapacity when lost 3.
Its Incapability when frustrated All of which can be Individually experienced: 1.
Emotionally 2.
Mentally 3.
Physically This determines or explains the Spirituality or spiritual reality of Me, Myself & I.