5 Ways to Guarantee a Second Date
Find enough about her to know your common interests Part of the plan on the first date is to be really curious about her and get to know her interests / hobbies / what she likes doing.
Find something in common, or something she's interested that you're doing and that she wants to experience.
Ask her during the first date Once you found that experience you guys want to share together, offer to do that on the next date.
It can be as simple as "Hey, how about I cook paella for us Thu night?" Make sure to suggest a day.
If she says no, ask her what day would work for her.
(Hint: if she says no or is unsure, she may not be that into you.
But I've never had that happen to me!).
Make the second date only a few days apart (2-3 days, not a week) There's nothing stronger than momentum in the seduction process so make the next date only a few days away, instead of a week.
You see, many things can happen in her life within a week and even though she really liked you on the first date, other priorities may pop up in her life.
(I've had that happen too many times in my life...
so don't make this mistake of trying to be too cool / "un-needy" ).
But if you make the second date only a few days away, her commitment level will be at its highest.
One hour after the end of the first date, text her OK, so you guys had fun on the first date and you're planning to see each other soon.
Great! But you need to reinforce that with one nice text message 1 hour after the end of the first date.
It could be as simple as "Hey Lisa, had a great time tonight and enjoyed your Italian stories.
Looking forward to our paella Thu! Sweet dreams".
Trust me, she'll love that you thought about her and she'll read that nice text of yours over and over again...
and show it to her girlfriends! This is modern day poetry! 5.
Text her every day and on the last day, re-confirm She should text you back after your first text (see #4).
Wait until the next day, especially if you sent the first text at night.
Then reply to it, maybe asking her what kind of salad dressing or wine she likes, or if she has any food allergies (so super sexy but caring, which women appreciate).
Basically, you want to maintain the interaction over text until you see each other.
Do it sporadically, maybe once/twice a day max.
Just to let her know you're thinking about her.
On the day of the second date, confirm the logistics (give her address and confirm the time still works).
Bonus: if you're having dinner at your place, make her bring dessert to have her invested even more in the relationship / second date.
Find enough about her to know your common interests Part of the plan on the first date is to be really curious about her and get to know her interests / hobbies / what she likes doing.
Find something in common, or something she's interested that you're doing and that she wants to experience.
Ask her during the first date Once you found that experience you guys want to share together, offer to do that on the next date.
It can be as simple as "Hey, how about I cook paella for us Thu night?" Make sure to suggest a day.
If she says no, ask her what day would work for her.
(Hint: if she says no or is unsure, she may not be that into you.
But I've never had that happen to me!).
Make the second date only a few days apart (2-3 days, not a week) There's nothing stronger than momentum in the seduction process so make the next date only a few days away, instead of a week.
You see, many things can happen in her life within a week and even though she really liked you on the first date, other priorities may pop up in her life.
(I've had that happen too many times in my life...
so don't make this mistake of trying to be too cool / "un-needy" ).
But if you make the second date only a few days away, her commitment level will be at its highest.
One hour after the end of the first date, text her OK, so you guys had fun on the first date and you're planning to see each other soon.
Great! But you need to reinforce that with one nice text message 1 hour after the end of the first date.
It could be as simple as "Hey Lisa, had a great time tonight and enjoyed your Italian stories.
Looking forward to our paella Thu! Sweet dreams".
Trust me, she'll love that you thought about her and she'll read that nice text of yours over and over again...
and show it to her girlfriends! This is modern day poetry! 5.
Text her every day and on the last day, re-confirm She should text you back after your first text (see #4).
Wait until the next day, especially if you sent the first text at night.
Then reply to it, maybe asking her what kind of salad dressing or wine she likes, or if she has any food allergies (so super sexy but caring, which women appreciate).
Basically, you want to maintain the interaction over text until you see each other.
Do it sporadically, maybe once/twice a day max.
Just to let her know you're thinking about her.
On the day of the second date, confirm the logistics (give her address and confirm the time still works).
Bonus: if you're having dinner at your place, make her bring dessert to have her invested even more in the relationship / second date.