Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Oversell a Service Product

  • 1). Make promises that the product can't live up to. For example, if you work for a carpet cleaning company and you're selling your services to a customer, telling him that you can get every stain out of his carpet is overselling if you're not sure that you can. If your workers clean his carpet, but don't get all the stains out, then you haven't lived up to your word, but you have oversold your product to him.

  • 2). Add benefits that the customer doesn't need or want. If you keep adding on to your sales pitch with extra benefits that the customer will receive from purchasing your service product, she may realize that she doesn't actually need it. Instead, ask her what she's looking for in a product, and then explain how your service product can meet her needs. Don't continue on with your sales pitch by telling her about things she does not want or need.

  • 3). Sell more of your product than you have to offer. For example, if you work for a car rental company, you may accept more reservations than cars you have available, because you're assuming that some people will cancel. This is overselling, because you cannot provide all of your customers with the cars that they have reserved, if they all show up.

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