Can This Simple Question Asked by Jesus Help Me Understand the Will of God?
Have you ever asked or said, "Jesus help me"? If so, what would you say if Jesus asked you in return "Have you ever read what I said in the Bible?" If you ever read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John you may have come across the parts where Jesus seemed to get pretty annoyed when fellow followers of God asked Him questions about the Scriptures, and you may have noticed that He often started His responses with questions of His own like, "have you never read?", "how readest thou?", or "have ye not read?".
Jesus had a brilliant way of explaining the word of God to people without being judge mental, but at the same time He hinted to them that they needed to spend more time reading the Scriptures for themselves.
That way, they wouldn't need to ask Him questions that seem to contradict the word of God because they would've already found the answer, just like He did.
And let's not forget how He defeated the temptations of the devil by starting His responses with "it is written" right before quoting scripture and busting open the devils diabolical plans to rob us of our salvation.
(Mt 4:4, LK 4:4) The point is this, if you spend more time reading your Bible, you'll uncover wisdom and understanding for yourself which will help prevent you from making errors in judging how the kingdom of God system really works, like the people who asked the questions to Jesus did.
Which is the main reason Jesus asked a question on top of peoples questions before answering it.
A rule of thumb is that the kingdom of God system seems to work in a way that's completely opposite of what most people think.
Like, the poor is more blessed than the rich because of Gods never ending mercy and compassion.
(Mt 5:3) Unlike what most people believe that the rich is the most blessed because they can buy what they want, go where they want, and do what they want.
And like, you should do good to people that curse you, hate you and use you so you can help bring them to God and understand the truth.
(Mt 5:44) Unlike what most people believe, which is to do the same bad things back to them or worse to get revenge and feel better.
Also, not eating for long periods of time and giving God's will your full attention to improve your spiritual, mental and physical health by fasting.
(Isa 58:6) Unlike what most people believe, always eat three meals a day, drink plenty of water, exercise, then focus on making more money and whatever entertainment makes you happy.
And also, not worrying about your problems in order to get them solved quickly by releasing your faith in God threw prayer.
(Phl 4:6) Unlike what most people believe you have to worry yourself to death and stress your family and friends out then beg, borrow or steal in order to come up with a solution.
And the list goes on.
But the only way to keep these types of things rooted in your mind is to keep going over the word of God for yourself by meditating in the Bible.
Then when it's rooted you'll start speaking it automatically without rehearsal in key situations.
Then you'll know you believe it because finally this will cause you to either start doing what the word of God says or you'll act accordingly.
Jesus had a brilliant way of explaining the word of God to people without being judge mental, but at the same time He hinted to them that they needed to spend more time reading the Scriptures for themselves.
That way, they wouldn't need to ask Him questions that seem to contradict the word of God because they would've already found the answer, just like He did.
And let's not forget how He defeated the temptations of the devil by starting His responses with "it is written" right before quoting scripture and busting open the devils diabolical plans to rob us of our salvation.
(Mt 4:4, LK 4:4) The point is this, if you spend more time reading your Bible, you'll uncover wisdom and understanding for yourself which will help prevent you from making errors in judging how the kingdom of God system really works, like the people who asked the questions to Jesus did.
Which is the main reason Jesus asked a question on top of peoples questions before answering it.
A rule of thumb is that the kingdom of God system seems to work in a way that's completely opposite of what most people think.
Like, the poor is more blessed than the rich because of Gods never ending mercy and compassion.
(Mt 5:3) Unlike what most people believe that the rich is the most blessed because they can buy what they want, go where they want, and do what they want.
And like, you should do good to people that curse you, hate you and use you so you can help bring them to God and understand the truth.
(Mt 5:44) Unlike what most people believe, which is to do the same bad things back to them or worse to get revenge and feel better.
Also, not eating for long periods of time and giving God's will your full attention to improve your spiritual, mental and physical health by fasting.
(Isa 58:6) Unlike what most people believe, always eat three meals a day, drink plenty of water, exercise, then focus on making more money and whatever entertainment makes you happy.
And also, not worrying about your problems in order to get them solved quickly by releasing your faith in God threw prayer.
(Phl 4:6) Unlike what most people believe you have to worry yourself to death and stress your family and friends out then beg, borrow or steal in order to come up with a solution.
And the list goes on.
But the only way to keep these types of things rooted in your mind is to keep going over the word of God for yourself by meditating in the Bible.
Then when it's rooted you'll start speaking it automatically without rehearsal in key situations.
Then you'll know you believe it because finally this will cause you to either start doing what the word of God says or you'll act accordingly.