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Is A Man Able To Produce Girl Or Boy Sperm On Command

I sometimes hear from women who are either with a man who has had many children of one gender or the woman is in that same situation herself.  For example, the woman may have conceived all daughters or she has recently married a man with all sons.  Often, the couple are trying to reverse that trend and get a baby of a new gender.  And they are often wondering if the man has any control over which sperm chromosomes he will produce during this process.

I heard from a woman who said: "I had three boys with my previous husband.  I am getting married to a man who also has two boys.  Needless to say, I want a girl baby with my new husband.  I have been very clear about this and my husband is telling me that he can control his sperm.  I told him that this is crazy talk but he says that he can control what happens with his thinking and with his diet.  Can men control whether they are producing boy and girl sperm?  He is telling me that he will make sure that I get a girl baby this time and I know that he wants to please me.  But is this a promise that he can even make?  Is this even possible?"

I wish that I could tell you that this was true.  But I don't believe that it is.  I will tell you why in the following article.

There Is Overwhelming Evidence That Men Have Equal Amounts Of Both Girl And Boy Producing Sperm Regardless Of The Gender They Have Previously Produced:

There have been studies where men who have produced several of one gender have been tested to determine their sperm production ratio.  Some expected to find that men who had only produced boys had more Y (boy producing) than X (girl producing) sperm. And, it would also be expected that fathers of nothing but daughters would have much higher amounts of X sperm.

But, this was not the case.  Instead, all of the men showed equal amounts of each type of sperm chromosome regardless of whether they had boys or girls.  I know that this is suprising to many, but this has been shown more than once.   So if we accept that the man in question very likely had equal amounts of X and Y sperm, he already had an equal chance of getting a girl baby, unless the woman or mother to be was influencing the outcome which I will discuss a little later.

Although There Are Things That Men Can Do To Increase Their Sperm Count, They Can't Isolate The Sperm That They Are Increasing:

If you've spent any amount of time researching becoming pregnant, you've probably already read about how men can increase their sperm count to have a better chance of conceiving quickly.  But, although they can increase their sperm, they are also increasing both X and Y chromosome relatively equally.  And they aren't increasing only the X's and not the Y's or vice versa.

Consider Looking At How The Mother To Be Might Be Contributing To Baby Gender:

Since the father to be's sperm ratio appears to be set, it makes sense to look at how the woman or the mother to be is contributing.  It's a common assumption that she doesn't contribute at all, but I highly disagree with this.

Her timing, vaginal PH, and the sexual positions that she uses can all make one gender more likely than another.  For example, some things  can discourage the Y sperm which means that a girl baby is more likely.  Having a successful conception before ovulation, having an acidic vaginal PH, and using deep penetration without female orgasm would all help to weed out the Y sperm to increase the odds of getting a boy baby.

So if you are a female who is conceiving one gender over and over again, I would take a close look at your vaginal PH as well as your ovulation time as it relates to when you are having conception intercourse.

But to answer the question posed, while it's reassuring to think that a man can think powerful thoughts or change his diet to get the gender of his choice, it's not likely to happen because his ratio is going to be roughly 50 / 50 no matter what.  While there are things that he can do to increase his sperm count, these things will increase both X and Y sperm in equal ratios and this doesn't change no matter what he does or thinks.  I wish it were different but science has shown that it isn't.

The good news is that the woman often is able to control some variables as far as she is concerned.  So it makes sense to turn your attention there.

If this is still a bit confusing to you or you're wondering where to start to influence your baby's gender, I've put together a couple of web sites that breaks this down into small steps.  If you want a boy baby, check out

If you want a girl baby, check out

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