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Sacramentum Caritatis in Rome

It is no coincidence that, of all names given to the Eucharist through the centuries, the Holy Father has chosen as the title of this document one of the words with which St. Thomas Aquinas called the mystery of the Eucharist: Sacramentum Caritatis. For Aquinas, in fact, the memorial of the gift which Christ makes of Himself in His body and His blood is the supreme sacrament of divine love. Shines so deep in the Apostolic teaching of the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est. The insistence of the Holy Father, in these two years of his pontificate on the truth of the saying clearly that we are facing one of the key issues on which to play the future of the Church and humanity. Even if the Pope had not explicitly stated - "I intend to put this exhortation in connection with my first Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est" (No. 5) - would be enough to confirm the frequent references encyclical (cf. nn. 5, 9, 11, 82, 88, 89).

The Eucharistic love of Jesus continues to amaze. He surprised the twelve while she bent down to wash their feet, loving them "to the end" has amazed the disciples of Emmaus in the breaking of bread. It is the love of God made flesh, which by its nature always surprises. The "Eucharistic amazement" that the Servant of God John Paul II spoke with effective intensity, is proposed as the main road, accessible to men and women of our time, to experience love.2. The result of the work of the synodWith the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness Benedict XVI on the Eucharist as the source and summit of the life and mission of the Church, Sacramentum Caritatis, the long and detailed itinerary of the XI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is his most mature fruit (cf. . nn. 3-4). As you know, the post-synodal apostolic exhortations constitute, within the Papal Magisterium, a specific "genre".

The Sovereign Pontiff will collects, confirms and deepens what has been authoritatively reported, discussed and approved throughout the synodal journey, the call of the Assembly until the end of the work. In the text of Sacramentum Caritatis feel so echo, either implicitly or explicitly, the various documents that accompanied the work of the Synod: from Lineamenta to laboris, the two Relationes, ante et post disceptationem, up to 50 propositions drawn from circuli minores and approved by the plenary. As is well recognized the echo of the free interventions in the classroom - it took for the first time since Pope Benedict XVI - who, in addition to doctrinal contributions, often moving testimonies offered by various communities and their pastors. Christians, sometimes even at the risk of life, spreading love, celebrating the love of Christ in the mystery.3. New insightsWhile the Apostolic Exhortation, the mature fruit of a road traveled, the other stands as an explicit objective of paving the way for further investigations. It aims, in fact, to "to offer some basic commitment, designed to arouse a new impetus and fervor in the Church of the Eucharist" (n. 5). A major contribution in this direction will give the publication of the Eucharistic Compendium proposed by the Synod Fathers (see n. 92).II.

An act of the Council's teaching receptio1. Unit articulatedThe reading and study of the Exhortation is facilitated by its structure as articulated as firmly united. It is based indissoluble link of three components: the Eucharistic mystery, liturgical action and new spiritual worship. This is the very substance of all the teaching that the Holy Father wanted to propose in the Exhortation. In fact, he says: "In this paper I wish to endorse the vote of the Synod Fathers, the Christian people to deepen the relationship between the Eucharistic mystery, liturgical action and new spiritual worship which derives from the Sacrament of charity "(no. 5).The exhortation is thus divided into three parts, each of which explores one of the three dimensions of the Eucharist every passing juxtaposition of doctrine, liturgical practice and Christian life. The three parts of the text - Eucharist, a mystery to be believed, the Eucharist, the mystery and to celebrate the Eucharist, a mystery to life - are so closely related that their contents will enlighten each other. Moreover, a significant gain of the synodal work is precisely the overcoming of certain dualities - such as those between eucharistic faith and ritual, celebration and worship, doctrine and pastoral - sometimes still present in the life of the ecclesial community and in theological reflection.

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