You Can Be Lost On The Outside And You Can Be Inside And Still Be Lost - Being Lost Is Serious
Jesus Christ is telling a story.
It is called a parable and that is simply a story with a significant spiritual meaning.
The stories which Jesus told are the best and the lessons are marvellous and have amazing consequences in the lives of those who read the stories and give serious heed to the lessons.
He has just been speaking about a shepherd who has lost one sheep and he goes searching for it until he finds it.
Do read the actual text in Luke Chapter 15 in the New Testament.
Jesus then goes on to speak about a woman who has ten silver coins, and loses one.
You can be on the inside and lost too.
You can be lost and not know it, until it is pointed out to you.
The pursuer goes after that which is lost.
This dear woman lights a lamp, and sweeps the floor, and works hard until the lost coin is found.
She knows it is somewhere.
Jesus was raised in a financially poor home.
He knew what it meant to lose one coin.
When you are looking for something on a dry mud floor and sweeping away almost in desperation - o, the dust that can arise - o, the mess you can make when you are looking for something that is lost and so you want to find it.
You will turn a whole drawer out at times to find the one thing you are looking for! When this woman finds the coin that was lost, again there is a fellowship meeting - and there is joy and rejoicing - that which was lost is found.
Jesus goes on to say - "I tell you - there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
" Before the joy - there has to be work.
Before the joy, there has to be repentance.
The way we react when we hear The Word of God influences the atmosphere in heaven.
The way we respond when Jesus the shepherd comes inviting us and calling us.
The way we hear Him when He comes with His brush searching for us can affect what angels do in the presence of the Father.
Jesus Christ continues to search and look for people who are lost.
They can be lost on the outside, like the sheep.
They can be lost on the inside, like the coin.
He comes in His Love and Mercy - wanting to catch us - prepared to bruise us if that is necessary in the work of rescuing us - but He will do all He can to save us from the consequences of remaining lost - and to Jesus Christ, every man and woman is so precious and so valuable.
This is why He died.
He knew that the only way He could truly rescue men and women was to be bruised Himself - to be crucified - to shed His Blood and die.
That is serious bruising.
God the Father accepted the sacrificial blood, and this is the cleansing blood that washes away all our sins and blemishes and lostness.
Even within the Church, there are valuable things we have lost - and Jesus wants us to rediscover them again - riches and treasures - freedom in praise and worship and prayer - healing and miracles.
Lost sheep and lost coins - both have to be searched for and found - by various people.
If you have been found by Jesus Christ, and placed in the security of this fold, just give your entire life to seeking that which is lost, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The joy and rejoicing will fill your heart and mind and body - and other people will see the difference - and through the very joy of Jesus seen in you, they may come to know Him as the Saviour who seeks and searches for that which is lost.
Sandy Shaw
It is called a parable and that is simply a story with a significant spiritual meaning.
The stories which Jesus told are the best and the lessons are marvellous and have amazing consequences in the lives of those who read the stories and give serious heed to the lessons.
He has just been speaking about a shepherd who has lost one sheep and he goes searching for it until he finds it.
Do read the actual text in Luke Chapter 15 in the New Testament.
Jesus then goes on to speak about a woman who has ten silver coins, and loses one.
You can be on the inside and lost too.
You can be lost and not know it, until it is pointed out to you.
The pursuer goes after that which is lost.
This dear woman lights a lamp, and sweeps the floor, and works hard until the lost coin is found.
She knows it is somewhere.
Jesus was raised in a financially poor home.
He knew what it meant to lose one coin.
When you are looking for something on a dry mud floor and sweeping away almost in desperation - o, the dust that can arise - o, the mess you can make when you are looking for something that is lost and so you want to find it.
You will turn a whole drawer out at times to find the one thing you are looking for! When this woman finds the coin that was lost, again there is a fellowship meeting - and there is joy and rejoicing - that which was lost is found.
Jesus goes on to say - "I tell you - there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
" Before the joy - there has to be work.
Before the joy, there has to be repentance.
The way we react when we hear The Word of God influences the atmosphere in heaven.
The way we respond when Jesus the shepherd comes inviting us and calling us.
The way we hear Him when He comes with His brush searching for us can affect what angels do in the presence of the Father.
Jesus Christ continues to search and look for people who are lost.
They can be lost on the outside, like the sheep.
They can be lost on the inside, like the coin.
He comes in His Love and Mercy - wanting to catch us - prepared to bruise us if that is necessary in the work of rescuing us - but He will do all He can to save us from the consequences of remaining lost - and to Jesus Christ, every man and woman is so precious and so valuable.
This is why He died.
He knew that the only way He could truly rescue men and women was to be bruised Himself - to be crucified - to shed His Blood and die.
That is serious bruising.
God the Father accepted the sacrificial blood, and this is the cleansing blood that washes away all our sins and blemishes and lostness.
Even within the Church, there are valuable things we have lost - and Jesus wants us to rediscover them again - riches and treasures - freedom in praise and worship and prayer - healing and miracles.
Lost sheep and lost coins - both have to be searched for and found - by various people.
If you have been found by Jesus Christ, and placed in the security of this fold, just give your entire life to seeking that which is lost, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The joy and rejoicing will fill your heart and mind and body - and other people will see the difference - and through the very joy of Jesus seen in you, they may come to know Him as the Saviour who seeks and searches for that which is lost.
Sandy Shaw