Business & Finance Social Media

Link Building With Social Bookmarking Submission

Building links is essential to getting good rankings in the search engines and social bookmarking submission is one of the easiest ways to gain a steady stream of backlinks to just about all content that you create because you have total control over the bookmarks that you build.
What Content To Bookmark? In general you will want to get into the habit of bookmarking every piece of significant content that you create.
For blogs, this would be most blog posts and for static websites each page.
There are some exceptions though.
Ensure that anything you bookmark provides value in some way - this caters for the 'social' aspect.
Don't bookmark your about page, privacy policy and so on.
But do bookmark all of your real content pages.
SEO for Bookmarking By using social bookmarking submission as a link building strategy you can build a large number of backlinks to each piece of content you bookmark but in order to make the effort worthwhile, you need to ensure that the bookmark information such as the title, description and tags are optimized for SEO purposes.
The anchor text for the backlink is simply the title in most cases so this is your most important field.
You should have a keyword phrase in mind that you wish to rank for and then include that keyword in every field possible - the title, description and as one of your tags.
Note that if your content has a title, it doesn't have to be the same as the title you use for the bookmark.
Including your keywords prominently makes the bookmark more relevant and thus gives it more weight in the search engines.
When To Create Bookmarks Google and most other search engines monitor the frequency at which backlinks are created and if a large number are created all at once they are not as effective as a steady drip of new links coming in over time.
Therefore it is best to bookmark your content on a regular basis rather than all at once.
If you're bookmark a site containing a lot of existing content then perhaps spread out the bookmarks to just one per day.
There is another thing to consider too; there are a great many social bookmarking sites that you can use and for best results you'll want to submit to as many of them as possible.
Don't settle for one backlink when you could have 20, 50, 100 or however many you have time to create! If you are short on time you can use automated social bookmarking submission tools to do the work for you but this is where you need to be careful.
Some such tools will create all of those bookmarks in one hit which is not ideal.
Choose a tool which will allow you to space out your submissions steadily over a number of days and create them all for you on auto-pilot.
Finding Bookmarking Sites There's literally thousands of social bookmarking sites online these days and new ones pop up all the time.
For a more effective backlink, there are two things you are looking for - the page rank of the site and whether or not it is 'dofollow'.
The higher the page rank the better and do follow is guaranteed to be picked up by the search engines.
To find some go to Google and search for something like 'do follow social bookmarking sites' and you'll find lists of them.
Alternatively if you use an automated social bookmarking submission tool that has sites built in, it will handle all of that for you.

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