Business & Finance Social Media

Google Opens Twitter Account - There Goes the Neighborhood!

Google Is Now Following You On Twitter! Just imagine getting that message in your email box.
What kind of reaction would you have? Would you sing for joy or hit the Twitter Block button faster than Tom Cruise can jump upon a couch? Well, for a very select few people, that email from Twitter arrived this week...
Google has opened a Twitter account and made its first entry on "8:34 PM Feb 25th from web".
"I'm 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010?" Roughly translated means "I'm Feeling Lucky?" And Google already has 37,000 followers - bet that number will reach a million soon or will it? Maybe the ratio of Twitter users who are webmasters and marketers is not that significant if you consider the whole database.
Those following SEO would probably be most interested in what Google is chatting about.
Then again, everybody uses Google so there might just be countless twitters clicking that follow button.
You can follow Google on Twitter Here: http://twitter.
Who's Google following you're asking? Mostly Googlers and big-wigs...
Biz Stone and Evan Williams - founders of Twitter.
And search engine experts...
but keep watching that inbox, you never know, Google could have you in its cross-hairs! Many have speculated if Twitter itself is not in Google's cross-hairs? Google has a long history of snapping up these popular sites before the competition can grab them.
Can anyone remember we used to have a little site called YouTube once upon a time.
Wonder what ever happened to it? Could Twitter be next on Google's long list of acquisitions? Perhaps, perhaps not, but those 140 characters will have to be expanded to include a Google ad or too.
How would that work? Probably include a small graphic with each post update...
just imagine the advertising possibilities.
Let's not.
Instead, let's just hope Google wants to be another social butterfly, but don't bet your next tweet on it.

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