How to Calculate Framingham Risk
- 1). Input your basic data into one of several risk calculators available on the Internet. Basic data is information such as your height, age and sex. These are your constant factors. They cannot be changed to alter your risk of heart disease and stroke. Online risk calculators include those offered by Stroke Education Ltd., the Cleveland Clinic, and the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making (see Resources section).
- 2). Enter your medical data into the calculator. Data needed for a Framingham calculation is your current blood pressure measurement, along with your total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol reading. You will also need to enter your weight.
These are the basic variables that go with any Framingham Risk Analysis. These factors are variable. They can be altered through lifestyle changes. Other variable factors included in some assessments include waist girth, history of diabetes, history of heart disease, and answers to additional questions about personal medical factors. - 3). Calculate your risk once all of the requested data has been entered. The resulting calculation will be expressed as a percentage, derived from the data entered. The percentage is your risk of suffering a heart attack over the next 10 years.