Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Back to Basics: Latest European Guidelines on CVD Prevention

Back to Basics: Latest European Guidelines on CVD Prevention

About the ESC Guidelines for Prevention of CVD

The latest ESC guidelines for the prevention of CVD were launched in May 2012 at the annual meeting of the EACPR, EuroPRevent 2012, in Dublin, Ireland, and published simultaneously in the European Heart Journal and the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The guidelines were prepared by the Fifth JTF on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, which was composed of representatives of the ESC and 8 other societies, including the European Atherosclerosis Society, European Society of Hypertension, and European Association for Study of Diabetes. The 2012 guidelines update the previous ESC guidelines issued in 2007 in a number of ways, including reduced length, greater emphasis on current scientific knowledge, and the use of both traditional and contemporary grading systems to adapt more evidence-based recommendations for the needs of clinical practice. The update reflects the consensus of the participating organizations on the broader aspects of CVD prevention based on a comprehensive review and critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including assessment of risk-benefit ratios. For more detailed guidance, readers are referred to the specific guidelines from the participating societies.

The preparation and publication of the Fifth JTF report was supported financially by the ESC without any involvement of the pharmaceutical industry.

As chair of the Fifth JTF, Prof. Perk spoke with Linda Brookes for Medscape to discuss the new guidelines update and the implications for clinical practice in Europe.

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