Advice to Entrepreneurs - Social Marketing Etiquette
With the evolution of social networking sites, many entrepreneurs in network marketing, multi-level marketing and the like, now have the opportunity to promote the businesses online.
The benefit to this is that it allows for us to reach prospects world wide.
The downside is that we can tend to get lazy and almost unprofessional with the way we conduct our business and not be personal or attempt to build a relationship.
We just want to get the prospect to our site and buy our sales pitch.
However, like everything thing else in life, if you want quality you have to give something in return.
When promoting your business in one of these settings the goal is to establish trust with your potential prospect/distributor.
Build a relationship, which will create a strong foundation.
People still want to do business with real people not auto responders.
Here are a few tips on marketing an online business: 1.
Brand yourself, not your company.
Use your personal name.
It makes people know that you are indeed a real person.
If you are attaching a link; make it to your social networking site or blog.
It will give your prospect an opportunity to get to know who you are.
Personally reply - even if its just to say hello- to messages or comments that are sent to you.
That will tell the person that you believe they have something of value to say.
Take the time to find out what your prospects are looking for.
If you don't, direct them to someone else that does.
This will tell that you have their best interest in mind.
By performing some to these basic principles, you will give yourself more credibility; which in turn will make your potential prospects see you as a professional that they would want to do business with.
When you operate at a level of integrity in your online marketing techniques; you will truly reap the rewards, receive quality leads and take your business to the next level.
The benefit to this is that it allows for us to reach prospects world wide.
The downside is that we can tend to get lazy and almost unprofessional with the way we conduct our business and not be personal or attempt to build a relationship.
We just want to get the prospect to our site and buy our sales pitch.
However, like everything thing else in life, if you want quality you have to give something in return.
When promoting your business in one of these settings the goal is to establish trust with your potential prospect/distributor.
Build a relationship, which will create a strong foundation.
People still want to do business with real people not auto responders.
Here are a few tips on marketing an online business: 1.
Brand yourself, not your company.
Use your personal name.
It makes people know that you are indeed a real person.
If you are attaching a link; make it to your social networking site or blog.
It will give your prospect an opportunity to get to know who you are.
Personally reply - even if its just to say hello- to messages or comments that are sent to you.
That will tell the person that you believe they have something of value to say.
Take the time to find out what your prospects are looking for.
If you don't, direct them to someone else that does.
This will tell that you have their best interest in mind.
By performing some to these basic principles, you will give yourself more credibility; which in turn will make your potential prospects see you as a professional that they would want to do business with.
When you operate at a level of integrity in your online marketing techniques; you will truly reap the rewards, receive quality leads and take your business to the next level.