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How to Be More Attractive to Women - Men Learn to Master the Game in 5 Easy Steps

Guys does that lovely lady elude you? Do you head with gusto to the bars and clubs only to return without her number? If you're a man and you want to know how to be more attractive to women then you need to keep a few points in mind: 1.
Looking good and spelling pretty is not just for the fairer sex! Women are a lot more fussy then you think.
Take the time to look presentable and always smell nice.
She will be more likely to stay in your company.
Pay attention to her.
For some men this is easier said than done.
You're dying to make a great impression by waxing lyrical about your accomplishments, and in the meantime she is dying to run out the door.
Ask her questions and get to know her interests and background.
Manners maketh the man! Your grandma was right.
Women absolutely love gentlemen.
So don't forget to hold the door open for her and walk her to her car.
Women love compliments.
Tell her how great she looks and how interesting her life seems.
Make sure you don't over do it or you risk looking desperate.
Stay in the moment.
Some men lose the lady because the nerves take over and havoc breaks lose.
Stay relaxed and in the moment and just enjoy yourself.
You will look a lot more manly as well! It takes a bit of effort, energy and time to make the impression on her.
However with a bit of know how and advice you could be blasting the competition out of the water!

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