Suit Juice Rating
According to North Shore Industries, one reason to use Suite Juice is that "chicks dig it." I did not notice that reaction, but I did , however, observe an easier entry and exit time when it came to my wetsuit which may be a factor for the ladies.
If that tasteless intro didn't pique your interest in this unique product, maybe the fact that this wetsuit lubricant can save wear and tear on your skin and your wetsuit.
Suite Juice was first designed with triathletes in mind who needed to shave minutes off their time. As we all know, getting in and out of your suit can sometimes take a bit of energy when you are struggling to pull your ankles and feet free while trying to keep your towel safely shielding your naughty bits. There's nothing to do but stand on your suit and tug, all the while grinding your precious wetsuit into the abrasive and dirty ground. Not cool!
Here is where Suit Juice is handy. North Shore Industries markets this product generally to triathletes, waterskiiers, wakeboarders, and scuba divers, but it doesn't take a high school teacher to see the applications for surfers. Honestly, what maniacs spend more time in their suits than surfers in cold climates? With this in mind, I decided to put Suite Juice through ye olde field test.
I had the Suit Juice sample for a week or so, but the weather was never cold enough to warrant any neoprene (boo hoo), but once the temps dropped, I gave it a go.
I first maveled at the nasal spray like applicator which I found convenient. Then I spayed a generous amount on my ankles, my knees, my cuffs, and even a little squirt on my neck to see if there was any rash protection. Immediately, I noticed the absence of any scent whatsoever or even a greasy residue.
According to North Shore Industries, this product is biodegradeable, containes no phosphates, and contains no oils to harm you or your suit. That is quite cool.
Once in the water, I went about my session and pretty much forgot about the product since there was nothing to remind me. It wasn't until I was back in the parking lot, getting ready to head home, that the ease of removing my suit was evident. Normally I had to struggle with my legs and ankles, but this time, I calmly removed them. Each leg slid right off without resorting to tugging or standing on my suit while the neoprene is damaged by the roughness of the concrete.
Some may say that they never really had a problem with this before, but the fact is that this product does what its manufacturers claim. Whether on a major time constraint or just concerned about the life-expectantcy of your wetsuit, Suitejuice helps surfers get in and out of their suits more easily and quickly.
According to North Shore Industries, one reason to use Suite Juice is that "chicks dig it." I did not notice that reaction, but I did , however, observe an easier entry and exit time when it came to my wetsuit which may be a factor for the ladies.
If that tasteless intro didn't pique your interest in this unique product, maybe the fact that this wetsuit lubricant can save wear and tear on your skin and your wetsuit.
Suite Juice was first designed with triathletes in mind who needed to shave minutes off their time. As we all know, getting in and out of your suit can sometimes take a bit of energy when you are struggling to pull your ankles and feet free while trying to keep your towel safely shielding your naughty bits. There's nothing to do but stand on your suit and tug, all the while grinding your precious wetsuit into the abrasive and dirty ground. Not cool!
Here is where Suit Juice is handy. North Shore Industries markets this product generally to triathletes, waterskiiers, wakeboarders, and scuba divers, but it doesn't take a high school teacher to see the applications for surfers. Honestly, what maniacs spend more time in their suits than surfers in cold climates? With this in mind, I decided to put Suite Juice through ye olde field test.
I had the Suit Juice sample for a week or so, but the weather was never cold enough to warrant any neoprene (boo hoo), but once the temps dropped, I gave it a go.
I first maveled at the nasal spray like applicator which I found convenient. Then I spayed a generous amount on my ankles, my knees, my cuffs, and even a little squirt on my neck to see if there was any rash protection. Immediately, I noticed the absence of any scent whatsoever or even a greasy residue.
According to North Shore Industries, this product is biodegradeable, containes no phosphates, and contains no oils to harm you or your suit. That is quite cool.
Once in the water, I went about my session and pretty much forgot about the product since there was nothing to remind me. It wasn't until I was back in the parking lot, getting ready to head home, that the ease of removing my suit was evident. Normally I had to struggle with my legs and ankles, but this time, I calmly removed them. Each leg slid right off without resorting to tugging or standing on my suit while the neoprene is damaged by the roughness of the concrete.
Some may say that they never really had a problem with this before, but the fact is that this product does what its manufacturers claim. Whether on a major time constraint or just concerned about the life-expectantcy of your wetsuit, Suitejuice helps surfers get in and out of their suits more easily and quickly.