Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

The Best Peach Trees for Alabama


    • Considered one of the "best of season" by Alabama Cooperative Extension, Harvester is a colorful, yellow-fleshed, freestone variety of peach, perfect for eating right from the tree, or for cobblers and other desserts. It is a high quality peach, with a fiery red and fuzzy skin. Highly tolerant of heat and humidity, Harvester is adaptable to many soil conditions and is drought-tolerant. It ripens in June.


    • Loring produces a large, red-blushed fruit with a firm yellow flesh. It is good eaten right from the tree, or for use in desserts or canning. A high-quality fruit, it has an excellent flavor and a firm texture. Although susceptible to frost, Loring is resistant to bacterial leaf spot. It ripens in early July.


    • Redhaven, introduced by Michigan State University Experiment Station, is a productive, cold-hardy variety of peach that is resistant to disease, including bacterial leaf spot. With a relatively fuzzless skin, this yellow-fleshed freestone peach is juicy and sweet, and is excellent in cobblers and pies, as well as for canning. Named as one of the "best in season" by Alabama Cooperative Extension, Redhaven ripens in mid-July.

    Summer Pearl

    • Summer pearl is considered by Alabama Cooperative Extension one of the finest white-fleshed varieties of peach grown. Introduced by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, it is a hardy freestone peach with firm flesh and a good flavor. Summer pearl ripens in mid-August.

    Belle of Georgia

    • Belle of Georgia is another white-fleshed variety of peach highly recommended by Alabama Cooperative. A rosy-colored, freestone variety of peach, the fruit is sweet and juicy. Belle of Georgia has a good yield, is hardy and cold tolerant with a high disease resistance. It is ready for picking in August.

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