Home & Garden Gardening

How to Make Your Aquaponics System

Your back yard aquaponics system is viable and efficient either to cover the needs of your house or to be used on a commercial basis. The two products you will take from your aquaponics system are the vegetables and the fishes. Two foods with high nutritional value that all the people prefer to consume in order to ensure a healthier life full of vitality.

Aquaponics system is an ecosystem that combines aquaculture and hydroponics that means can produce fish and plants at the same time. In aquaponics the waste water of your fish tank is actually full of nutrients for your plants so this water is going up to your plants grow beds to feed them! After your plants have absorbed all these nutrients the water will return back to the tank clean and ready for your fishes to live and grow in it. This is actually the philosophy of aquaponics,the two ecosystems growing beds with your plants and the tank with your fishes are coexisting and helping each other to develop.


Aquaponics system is so easy to set up and requires a small amount of money. The tools that will be used are not expensive ones.You need a tank for your fishes to live in, some pebbles for the bottom of it and a pump that will lift the waste water of your fishes up to the grow beds of your plants.

We don't have to forget that the amount of water needed for the system is not big and it doesn't have to be replaced! The water is an element of recycling in aquaponics it is used and re used over and over again.

The food production you will take from your aquaponics system is the most clean and healthy one! The production procedure of aquaponics system is completely biological. No pesticides or fertilizer can be used for the simple reason if they are used they will hurt the fishes.


The aquaponics system consists of the fish breeding part,the filtering part and the plants farming part.The fish part is an aquaculture system that is re circulating water. The plants part consists of the growing bed that is filled with gravel a natural filter for the system.

There are two ways of operation for the grow beds. The first is by the deep flow method and the second is the by the nutrient film technique.

For the deep flow method, big water tanks are in need as well as boards of polystyrene for your plants to grow in.The plants are inside small net baskets over the polystyrene boards.By this way the roots of your plants will be growing inside the water absorbing directly all the nutrients they need.This method is used by people who are establishing aquaponics system for commercial use,because its cheap to built and maintenance it.

The second way of grow beds operation is by the nutrient film technique. In this way we use many small channels for our plants to sit in. A thin water film is running under these channels and the plants have access to all the beneficial substances of it. This way of growing your plants is also ensuring lots of oxygen for them cause the 90% of the channels is air space.

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