Home & Garden Gardening

Why Choose a Geodesic Dome Greenhouse

In the western world we have developed the habit of building structures with square and flat dimensions. But when you look around at nature, very few things are flat or square. Round structures are more efficient, and can be much stronger. From the trunks of trees to our bones, nature utilizes the many benefits of round structures.

Many people are starting to discover the benefits of using round structures for buildings and other structures. One place where this shape fits in naturally, is with a greenhouse. A geodesic dome greenhouse has many benefits over conventional flat sided greenhouses.

A geodesic dome greenhouse can be very inexpensive to build. Although kits or pre built models can be expensive. But with the right technique, you can very easily build your own with cheap materials.

The dome shape does a great job at capturing sunlight and retaining heat. A dome that is built just right can disperse sunlight in a way that benefits plants, and with a low cost insulating covering, a dome greenhouse can be built to stay warm even in cold winter climates.

A dome is an amazingly strong structure. They can be built to easily withstand hurricane force winds, earthquakes, and a heavy snow load. Unlike a flat surface, a dome distributes weight evenly over the entire structure. A dome or sphere is the strongest structure known to man.

A dome can be light weight and easy to move. If you are renting or may change locations, a large dome can be disassembled and loaded into a pickup truck and reassembled anywhere. Or it can be picked up and moved around your yard. And being a portable structure, it may not even require permits. You can just get the supplies and start building.

With a proper geodesic dome greenhouse, you can have your own tropical paradise in your yard year round. Not only will it produce food and make you food independent, it's also a great place to spend a winter day when it is cold outside.

It is a great feeling to know that you have your own supply of food year round. You no longer have to depend on the food industry to supply you with their food that is full of chemicals and hormones. No more high prices that will likely only get higher as foil prices continue to increase. No more grocery stores, shopping carts, annoying shoppers and checkout lines.

It may seem like a dream, but with the right know how, a dome capable of this is very easy to build and can be built for an amazingly small amount of money. Discover how you can build a geodesic dome greenhouse that is 40 feet wide for as little as $500.

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