Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

What Causes Snoring? Some Simple Facts You Need to Know!

Simple Facts About What Causes Snoring Have you ever had a leak in your basement, saw water on the floor and just wiped it up only to return a day later to find another pool of water? Did you realize at that point that just wiping the water up again wasn't going to complete solve the problem? So what did you do? You went on a quest to find out where the leak was coming from? Exactly! The problem you have with snoring is no different.
In order to find an effective solution, you must figure out what causes your snoring? A Physiological View From a physiological standpoint, research shows that snoring takes place when there is an obstruction of air that flows through the mouth and nose.
As a result of this obstruction, the walls of the throat vibrate, giving off a sound that can range from small hisses to loud roars.
As you fall into a deeper sleep your respiratory muscles become more relaxed and it causes your airways to become narrow.
Your breathing pattern at that point becomes more forceful as it tries to maintain a normal breathing flow.
The more force that occurs the louder you will snore.
The obstruction of air is created in a variety of ways including the throat becoming enlarged, due to a person being overweight, an enlarged uvula or soft palate, located at the back of the mouth, weak muscle tone in the throat and tongue or obstructed nasal passages.
Lifestyle as a Cause In addition, the reason the obstruction exists can often be attributed to a persons lifestyle.
Some lifestyle habits should be considered when evaluating the causes of snoring:
  • Sleeping Position - When you sleep on your back, gravity comes in the picture and as your tongue becomes relaxed, it will shift backward causing the airway to be become blocked.
  • Smoking -Smoke can cause your nostrils and throat to become inflamed and/or swollen.
  • Alcohol consumption - Drinking alcohol can cause your muscles to go into an increased relaxed state therefore causing an obstruction.
  • Weight - Excess weight around the throat and neck area making it hard to breathe.
  • Allergies/Colds - Due to itchy and runny noses associated with allergies/colds, the lining within the nose and throat get irritated and become swollen.
When the problem is caused by your lifestyle habits, figuring out how to eliminate snoring can be clear cut and simple.
Identify the habits that you may be causing you to snore.
Taking steps towards changing your lifestyle habits can put you on the road to not only get rid of the problem but overall it will also give you the avenue to live a healthier life.
It is a win-win situation for you and you mate.

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