A Few Home Remedies For Thinning Hair
Thinning hair is an unfortunate reality for many individuals.
Thankfully there are many remedies to slow the progression of thinning hair or to stop the hair from decreasing altogether.
Although there are many fancy and expensive treatments available, there are several home remedies that work just as well if not better and cost far less.
Take Vitamin Supplements Vitamins A, B, C, and E are all known to help promote healthy hair and growth of hair.
By far the healthiest way to make sure you get of these hair growth vitamins would be to make sure you have a healthy diet rich in these vitamins.
If you are not getting enough, or are unsure, try taking a capsule each day to ensure the adequacy of these vitamins in your body.
Salt Skip shampoo and conditioners altogether.
Use only warm water and salt.
Rub the salt into the scalp for ten to fifteen minutes before allowing the warm water to rinse away the crystals.
This will strengthen the present hair as well as promote hair growth.
Drink an apple cider mix Mix two tablespoons apple cider (organic is recommended), one-fourth teaspoon baking soda and eight ounces of water together.
Drink this mixture two times a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
This will promote hair growth as apple cider is high in potassium.
This will promote hair growth and help produce a head of thick healthy hair.
Don't Use Shampoo-Use a Raw Egg Since traditional shampoos (excluding all-natural shampoos) are based on animal protein but have a harsh chemicals in them, skip the shampoo altogether.
Massage a raw egg into the scalp for five minutes before rinsing it out.
It will still cleanse your hair but the protein from the egg will strengthen the hair.
Use Aloe Vera Gel Combine aloe vera gel and almond oil and rub it into the scalp well.
Allow it to sit on the scalp and soak in for about thirty minutes before rinsing out.
This helps promote oxygen supply and other essentials to rejuvenate the scalp.
Aloe vera capsules can also be purchased and ingested, much like vitamins.
Rub Onions on Your Scalp Rubbing an onion on your head may help promote hair growth.
When an onion is rubbed on the scalp, in places that the hair is missing, the scalp will turn red.
This is extra blood rushing to the area.
Extra blood promotes hair regrowth.
These are some of the natural and home-made ways you can treat thinning hair.
Consult your doctor if you are not sure about using any of the above methods.
Thankfully there are many remedies to slow the progression of thinning hair or to stop the hair from decreasing altogether.
Although there are many fancy and expensive treatments available, there are several home remedies that work just as well if not better and cost far less.
Take Vitamin Supplements Vitamins A, B, C, and E are all known to help promote healthy hair and growth of hair.
By far the healthiest way to make sure you get of these hair growth vitamins would be to make sure you have a healthy diet rich in these vitamins.
If you are not getting enough, or are unsure, try taking a capsule each day to ensure the adequacy of these vitamins in your body.
Salt Skip shampoo and conditioners altogether.
Use only warm water and salt.
Rub the salt into the scalp for ten to fifteen minutes before allowing the warm water to rinse away the crystals.
This will strengthen the present hair as well as promote hair growth.
Drink an apple cider mix Mix two tablespoons apple cider (organic is recommended), one-fourth teaspoon baking soda and eight ounces of water together.
Drink this mixture two times a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
This will promote hair growth as apple cider is high in potassium.
This will promote hair growth and help produce a head of thick healthy hair.
Don't Use Shampoo-Use a Raw Egg Since traditional shampoos (excluding all-natural shampoos) are based on animal protein but have a harsh chemicals in them, skip the shampoo altogether.
Massage a raw egg into the scalp for five minutes before rinsing it out.
It will still cleanse your hair but the protein from the egg will strengthen the hair.
Use Aloe Vera Gel Combine aloe vera gel and almond oil and rub it into the scalp well.
Allow it to sit on the scalp and soak in for about thirty minutes before rinsing out.
This helps promote oxygen supply and other essentials to rejuvenate the scalp.
Aloe vera capsules can also be purchased and ingested, much like vitamins.
Rub Onions on Your Scalp Rubbing an onion on your head may help promote hair growth.
When an onion is rubbed on the scalp, in places that the hair is missing, the scalp will turn red.
This is extra blood rushing to the area.
Extra blood promotes hair regrowth.
These are some of the natural and home-made ways you can treat thinning hair.
Consult your doctor if you are not sure about using any of the above methods.