What You Can and Cannot Expect From Hair Loss Remedies
With the help of numerous hair re-growth and scalp rejuvenation products I have held my own for almost 20 years against the despicable foe of balding and thinning hair. What I have learned over the last two decades is that most hair loss remedies will provide some modest benefits and only a few will deliver noticeable quality lasting results.
Harsh words but it is simply the truth that no one wants to admit.
The hair re-growth business is a billion dollar industry that is supported by a steady stream of advertisements and testimonials filled with small print and disclaimers.
For example, 5% minoxidil infused hair re-growth products for men and 2% infused hair re-growth products for women claim to produce new hair growth about 80 percent of the time but what is left out is that this new growth is almost always fuzz like. In the manufacturers defense they do state this in the supplemental information.
While I personally didn't see results from compounds, and in fact experienced some scalp irritation, products containing minoxidil (originally a drug for high blood pressure) continue to be very popular and often are doctor recommended.
Part of the difficulty when talking about reversing balding is understanding the basics of the problem.
The most common type of hair loss is what is known as androgenic alopecia, or male or female pattern baldness. This condition is driven by an androgen hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which attacks the hair follicle, shrinking it to a point where it can no longer support new growth. With the average scalp containing somewhere around 100,000 hair follicles you may not notice there is a problem until 10,000 or more follicles are dead or dying.
This is where the challenges lies for all hair re-growth products. They must not only be able to protect the healthy follicles but rejuvenate those which are dead or dying. To do this DHT must be blocked, scalp circulation improved, and the hair follicle stimulated. Not only that you must do your part by not using harsh shampoos and avoid exposing the scalp to anything which might get in the way of restoring scalp and follicle health.
As a general rule large bald areas can only be restored to their past glory with the help of hair transplant surgery.
Another point of confusion is whether or not a receding hairline can be reversed. The answer is no.
While you may be able to dramatically slow this natural process there is no evidence to suggest it can be reversed. In fact, most hair loss products clearly state this either on the box or included in the informational pamphlet accompanying the product.
While slowing the dreaded receding hairline is an important part of any comprehensive hair restoration strategy perhaps where the most benefit can be extracted from hair loss products is on or around the crown of the head.
The crown, or in the vicinity of the crown, is an area where a great deal of benefit can be obtained, and should be expected, from hair re-growth products. If you fail to see results in this area in a couple of months it is time to try another product because more than likely the one you are using isn't right for you.
Harsh words but it is simply the truth that no one wants to admit.
The hair re-growth business is a billion dollar industry that is supported by a steady stream of advertisements and testimonials filled with small print and disclaimers.
For example, 5% minoxidil infused hair re-growth products for men and 2% infused hair re-growth products for women claim to produce new hair growth about 80 percent of the time but what is left out is that this new growth is almost always fuzz like. In the manufacturers defense they do state this in the supplemental information.
While I personally didn't see results from compounds, and in fact experienced some scalp irritation, products containing minoxidil (originally a drug for high blood pressure) continue to be very popular and often are doctor recommended.
Part of the difficulty when talking about reversing balding is understanding the basics of the problem.
The most common type of hair loss is what is known as androgenic alopecia, or male or female pattern baldness. This condition is driven by an androgen hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which attacks the hair follicle, shrinking it to a point where it can no longer support new growth. With the average scalp containing somewhere around 100,000 hair follicles you may not notice there is a problem until 10,000 or more follicles are dead or dying.
This is where the challenges lies for all hair re-growth products. They must not only be able to protect the healthy follicles but rejuvenate those which are dead or dying. To do this DHT must be blocked, scalp circulation improved, and the hair follicle stimulated. Not only that you must do your part by not using harsh shampoos and avoid exposing the scalp to anything which might get in the way of restoring scalp and follicle health.
As a general rule large bald areas can only be restored to their past glory with the help of hair transplant surgery.
Another point of confusion is whether or not a receding hairline can be reversed. The answer is no.
While you may be able to dramatically slow this natural process there is no evidence to suggest it can be reversed. In fact, most hair loss products clearly state this either on the box or included in the informational pamphlet accompanying the product.
While slowing the dreaded receding hairline is an important part of any comprehensive hair restoration strategy perhaps where the most benefit can be extracted from hair loss products is on or around the crown of the head.
The crown, or in the vicinity of the crown, is an area where a great deal of benefit can be obtained, and should be expected, from hair re-growth products. If you fail to see results in this area in a couple of months it is time to try another product because more than likely the one you are using isn't right for you.