Listen Up - Straight on How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
So you just broke up with your girlfriend? Well, boo hoo! You need to get over it if you want her back.
Look! You can either spend time whining and crying about how much she meant to you and how bad you feel, or you can spend time taking charge and winning her back.
Sure, most of us go through a few break ups in our lives, but we either get back together or move on.
The truth is, most of the time we move on.
If you think this time it's different and that she is the one you want to be with, then go get her.
Now, I'm not saying to be aggressive or overly-assertive, I am saying that you need to do something.
Man up, swallow your pride and let her know your intentions.
As guys we are often told to act tough, to "be a man", but what they don't tell us is that expressing our feelings is a lot harder than we think.
If you are going to act like a man, then you have to let your guard down a bit with her.
Be yourself, let her get to know the real you.
That's who she should be deciding on, not some false front of bravado that we tend to put up most of the time.
A real man isn't afraid of letting the woman of his dreams in on his emotions.
You will also have to exercise some restraint.
If she is trying to make you jealous by seeing someone else, remember that he is caught up in the middle.
You have no complaint with him, and you need to treat him with respect.
On the other hand, if they both care about each other, then you need to also be a man and accept the fact that it is time to look for someone else.
I am not trying to be tough here, but I am trying to give you some straight talk on how things are.
You need to see reality and hearing bad advice and trying to hide your feelings never gets the job done.
You can do this.
After all, if you really want her back in your life, then anything you do will be worth it.
Look! You can either spend time whining and crying about how much she meant to you and how bad you feel, or you can spend time taking charge and winning her back.
Sure, most of us go through a few break ups in our lives, but we either get back together or move on.
The truth is, most of the time we move on.
If you think this time it's different and that she is the one you want to be with, then go get her.
Now, I'm not saying to be aggressive or overly-assertive, I am saying that you need to do something.
Man up, swallow your pride and let her know your intentions.
As guys we are often told to act tough, to "be a man", but what they don't tell us is that expressing our feelings is a lot harder than we think.
If you are going to act like a man, then you have to let your guard down a bit with her.
Be yourself, let her get to know the real you.
That's who she should be deciding on, not some false front of bravado that we tend to put up most of the time.
A real man isn't afraid of letting the woman of his dreams in on his emotions.
You will also have to exercise some restraint.
If she is trying to make you jealous by seeing someone else, remember that he is caught up in the middle.
You have no complaint with him, and you need to treat him with respect.
On the other hand, if they both care about each other, then you need to also be a man and accept the fact that it is time to look for someone else.
I am not trying to be tough here, but I am trying to give you some straight talk on how things are.
You need to see reality and hearing bad advice and trying to hide your feelings never gets the job done.
You can do this.
After all, if you really want her back in your life, then anything you do will be worth it.