Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Plant Passion Flowers

    • 1). Place the seeds in room-temperature water and soak for 24 hours.

    • 2). Fill small pots almost to the top with with high quality potting soil.

    • 3). Place one passion flower seed in each small pot and cover the seed with one inch of additional potting soil. Water the seed lightly.

    • 4). Place the pots in a place where they will receive at least six hours of natural sun or under a grow light.

    • 5). Fertilize the seed with an all-purpose water soluble fertilizer the next time you water the seed.

    • 6). Water the seed/seedling when the soil feels dry to the touch.

    • 7). Find a sunny or partly shady spot with rich, well-draining soil. Provide the seedlings with a trellis or other structure to climb. Dig five-inch holes for the seedlings when all chance of frost is gone.

    • 8). Place each seedling into a hole and carefully pack soil around the seedling. The roots of the passion flower are fragile so this must be done carefully. Water the seedling well.

    • 9). Monitor the seedling and the next time it is dry, fertilize the seedling with an all-purpose water soluble fertilizer combined with the water.

    • 10

      Keep the seedling evenly moist by checking it every day and watering when dry.

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