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Why Rebuilding a Raid Array Won"t Repair Anything Using Raid 5

Some IT professionals may misunderstand the purpose of having Raid and need Raid 5 recovery if they attempt to rebuild a failing Raid array.
Rebuilding a failing Raid array doesn't correct any problems that caused the Raid system to fail.
Often times, business owners may think that rebuilding a Raid array will repair and fix a problem.
But, rebuilding doesn't fix problems.
It only takes the state of the drivers, as they are, and makes them permanent.
Then, a problem becomes permanent.
Whether professionals are trying to force Raid arrays or hard drives back online, a driver with an unaddressed problem is still going to have a problem.
Companies will still need hard disk recovery.
Forcing drivers online after a Raid controller has placed them offline is a bad idea.
PC and Mac computers running Raid systems may experience first-hand the effects of failing.
Mac recovery will be needed if files are corrupted and transferred onto Raid systems.
Don't force failed drivers Online Failed drives may not be recognized by a Raid system controller for a reason.
Worse yet, they may cause healthy drives to fail.
It isn't wise to make a crippled Raid system recognise failed drives because it can compromise the integrity of the entire Raid server.
However, failed Raid drivers are not the only problem created forcing drives online.
Failed Raid drivers can also affect the Mac computers used to run Raid server.
Without being able to access needed files on a Raid system, a computer may need Mac recovery to repair damage caused by accessing failed drives.
Before making a move that may make all of the data to be inaccessible on a Raid system or through hard disk recovery, call a professional.
Data may be able to be recovered if it is not is not told to make its failed state permanent.
Professionals may not be able to recover any data from a failed Raid driver or failed hard drive if it has been reformatted or rebuilt.
In a Raid server, (by rebuilding) it may be the equivalent of taking all the drivers out of the machine, switching them around, and putting them back into the machine.
The Raid controller in charge of reading Raid drivers cannot find your drivers.
But, the problem runs much deeper.
It also means no data can be accessed.
For companies with large files of sensitive information, inaccessible information is extremely bad news.
It may be best to leave any Raid 5 recovery and Mac recovery to experts that are called at the first sign of Raid system failures, without rebuilding any arrays.

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