Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Top 5 Best Ab Exercises

Finding the best exercises for each muscle can be challenging.
Thankfully, there are some great resources for determining just what exercises you should be doing.
Here is a list of ten great exercises for working out your abs: 1.
Bicycle: The American Council on Exercise determined this to be the most effective ab workout.
It isolates both the six pack muscles (rectus abdominis) and the obliques.
To do this exercise, lay on your back with your arms behind your head and your knees tucked and raised from the ground.
Next, move one leg out and straighten it.
Simultaneously bring your upper body up to your opposite leg.
Return the leg and outstretch the opposite leg.
Carry on until you've reached the desired number of reps.
Planks: Planks work out your entire core, back and shoulders.
Properly done, the will give you a tremendous burn and help your abs pop.
To this exercise, lay facing the ground.
Lift your self up off the ground with your forearms still resting on the ground.
Hold your body such as to make your back flat with your legs, so that your back makes a sort of blank.
Hold this posture until failure or until a certain number of seconds has passed.
Aim to get planks up to two minutes.
Wide Leg Sit up: The wide leg sit up is easy enough for inexperienced people to do and powerful enough for experienced gym goers to still see results.
Lay on your back with your legs split apart.
Raise your right arm in the air and lift your upper body straight upper-wards.
When your upper body is raised, bring your arm across to touch the opposite foot's toes.
Return to rest position and use the opposite arm.
Inverted plank: The inverted plank isolates your core muscles even more substantially than a standard plank.
Lay flat on your back.
Slowly lift your legs up six inches off the ground and hold this position until failure.
Aim to hold it for at least a minute, preferably a minute and a half.
Reverse Crunch: Also listed on the American Council on Exercise's best ab exercises, this exercise isolates the rectus abdominis.
To do this exercise, lay flat on your back.
Bring your leg up into your stomach, then thrust them towards the ceiling bringing your stomach up with them.
Stay under control as your slowly bring them back down.
Return to resting position before repeating.
These five exercises are only a start.
You need to make sure that you are mixing in other exercises and switching up the order.
If you do the same workout too often, you'll body will adjust and you'll hit a plateau.
But keep these exercises as a foundation and you're sure to see the results you are hoping for!

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