Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Loving Middle SchoolTeam

Running Drills: A Way of Life

Running drills are one of the most basic ways that you can enhance your endurance. Though dull and sometimes boring, these running drills will help you play your hardest until the end of the game. Even with all of these benefits you will notice that most of the complaints in practice come from running drills. Just remember that in the end it is the fastest that win games. Another benefit that you will not see at first, is the ability to push yourself past your limits.

Forcing the Fumble

In order to win football games you need to have possession of the football. Forcing a fumble is one of the quickest ways that you can turn the tides and retain possession of the football. Practice dislodging the football on the field in pairs of players. The point is to have the defensive player throw the fist into the football causing the offensive player to fumble the football. Practice these movements slowly to start muscle memory and to correct bad habits.

Up Downs Conditioning Drill

The popular conditioning drill known as up downs is a very effective way to increase cardiovascular activity and endurance. Players will start this drill by running in place as fast as they can, keeping their knees high as possible. From time to time the coach will signal to the players, by whistle or a command, to get down meaning that they drop down do a push up and get back up as quickly as possible to run again. This drill is an excellent workout and should be worked in slowly at first and then increased in intensity and length over time.

Conditioning: Quick step crossing

Football is all about action and reaction, and those that practice reacting quickly in a variety of directions will dominate the field. This drill will help players quickly change directions on the field. The drill takes place in small four corner area that you can draw out or use the lines of the field. Once a players positions themselves in one of the corners they will proceed to jump from one corner of the area to other in either a patterned function or randomly. Some of the variations can be on legged; either right or left, or changing the order those players will perform the drill.

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