How to Apply Griptape
- 1). Clean your deck with a damp cloth to remove any dirt, debris and lint. Lay the board on a flat surface with the top (the part you stand on) facing up. Remove the paper backing of the grip tape so the sticky side is facing down. Hold the grip tape--with the sticky side facing down--centered over the board.
- 2). Let the center of the grip tape hang down slightly until it attaches itself to the center of the board. Lay the paper backing from the grip tape on top of it to protect your hands. Smooth the grip tape onto the board from the center out to the edge. Repeat with the other side until the grip tape covers your board.
- 3). Use the scissors to cut away the overhang of grip tape, if you desire. Rub the metal part of the screwdriver along the edges of the grip tape, securing it in place and creating a white line around the board. Hold the razor blade at a 45-degree angle and cut away the excess grip tape following the white outline.
- 4). Poke holes in the grip tape with the screwdriver where the screws for the trucks will go. Trucks are the piece of hardware that attach the wheels to your deck.