Tools for Installing Flooring Near MRI Machines
- A person gets scanned by an MRI machine for ailments.medicina_nuclear-15 image by Paco Ayala from
MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, machines are large contraptions that allow radiologists to take detailed scans of body parts. This is particularly useful for determining the nature of head and brain trauma, as the MRI machine can differentiate among soft tissues, blood, and bone very easily. MRI machines operate on a giant magnetic wave and their powerful magnet means there cannot be any magnetic objects in the MRI room ever. Flooring installation tools completely change in existing MRI rooms. - A rubber mallet with a wood handle can be used to install laminate flooring in an MRI room. The mallet is used to hammer the flooring into place and to shift the planks so that they interlock properly.
- A plastic trowel can be used to spread the adhesive used for carpeting or vinyl floor tile, which are common floorings in clinical settings. Plastic trowels for this process have a toothed edge for maximum adhesion.
- If the MRI machine has already been installed, chances are that the flooring is being replaced and the old floor will need to be removed. Removing floor coverings will require a scraper, but since metal tools cannot be used around an MRI machine, plastic scrapers are used. These scrapers are durable and flexible, with an extremely hard and sharp plastic edge to cut into and through vinyl and carpet.
- A wooden broom will most likely be the tool of choice to clean up the floor before anything new is laid on the surface. A simple wooden push broom has no metal parts, being constructed entirely out of treated wood and having polyethylene bristles.