How to Convert a Mobile Home to a House
- 1). Find a plot of land to base your mobile home on. Converting it into a house requires buying or leasing a space where you can connect it to electricity, build a garden and install a latrine.
- 2). Create an initial design. Sketch the mobile home you want to convert, then add features and expand it to include a larger living space, garden, greenhouse and yard.
- 3). Decide what energy supply to use. Since you are adapting your mobile home, you can use the opportunity to install solar panels or a wood-chip burner. In the long term your energy costs will decrease, while you can contribute to reducing your carbon emissions by being environmentally friendly.
- 4). Consult a professional about your plan. A builder or architect can advise you about the feasibility of your plan and recommend changes you can make to reduce costs, increase energy efficiency or point out items you may have overlooked-- such as security weaknesses.
- 5). Obtain a quote for the work that needs to be done. Do this by approaching at least three builders. Ask what the materials and labor costs are, plus find out how long the project will take to complete.
- 6). Put the plan into action. Buy or lease the land, move the mobile home there and employ a builder to get the project started.
- 7). Strip out the inside of the mobile home so that it can be rearranged to optimize the space and fits your ideal design.
- 8). Remodel the interior so that it matches your specification, style and budget. A mobile home is built for life on the road so add a more durable bathroom that has ceramic tiles (rather than plastic), steel taps and a proper oven to cook on. Add extra windows, doors and insert further walls to create new pockets of space.
- 9). Adapt the exterior to include a porch, greenhouse or conservatory. Your design will be affected by your preferences, budget and how much space you have. If you have children, remember to make sure the area is child-friendly.
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Hook the mobile home up to the energy supply. Plumb the bathroom into the sewage and drainage system, and install electricity-- unless you have opted to use an alternative such as solar panels. In this case, connect them up so you have a supply of electricity to use your appliances.