Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Bullying Prevention in Schools - The Types of Bullying

Bullying in schools is a national epidemic.
It affects the ability of kids to learn and adapt socially.
Victims develop social problems that affect them the rest of their lives and in extreme cases can lead to suicide.
They frequently lose interest in school and become poor students and in some cases even drop out to avoid the abuse.
We owe it to our kids to prevent bullying whenever and wherever we can.
To accomplish this, schools need a bullying prevention program that can recognize behaviors and step in to control the situation before it becomes tragic.
All kids deserve a place free of fear to learn.
The first step in prevention is to understand the types of bullying.
Physical bullying or schoolyard bullying is bullying that involves hitting, pushing, biting, kicking, slapping or any other type of physical behavior that is not welcomed by the recipient.
It is more common in middle school and generally done by boys.
Destroying personal property is another type of physical bullying.
Verbal bullying is any type of name-calling, offensive remarks, teasing, or joking that belittles another student.
Verbal bullying can involve racist epithets or remarks about weight, intelligence, looks, size, athletic ability or any other negative comments about another person's attributes or actions.
Nearly half of all bullying is verbal.
Both boys and girls use this type of bullying.
Spreading rumors or secrets is the third type of bullying and it is used more by girls than boys.
Social groups are extremely important to girls and the use of this type of behavior is used to consolidate power and exclude others from groups.
Exclusion from social groups and activities is a form of bullying on its own and is generally used by girls.
Intimidation is a type of bullying that involves threats and fear to get the bully what they want.
Cyber bullying is the last form of bullying and its growth is the most rapid.
It involves the use of technology to perpetrate bullying.
The use of rumors, threats, name calling, teasing and other negative bullying behavior can be done in anonymous manner shielding the bully from social scrutiny.
This type of bullying is seen in both boys and girls, although girls seem to have a lead in this category.
All kids deserve a comfortable place to learn and all schools and organizations that deal extensively with kids should have a bullying prevention program in place.
The first step in prevention is to recognize the different types of bullying.

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