Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Bed Wetting - A Family Affair

Bedwetting is a family affair, a stressful time for everyone.
So what amazes me is how well it's hidden.
In talking to friends, they were ashamed or embarrassed that their children wet the bed.
However, they were also very sick and tired of getting up in the middle of the night to strip the bed, put new sheets on the bed, put the child back to bed and then attempt to go back to sleep.
As a working Mother it made me very tired when my son was having a problem wetting the bed.
Another friend has parents that live in a nursing home and every single time they went to visit they needed pegs to put on their noses because of the smell.
Can you imagine? I've heard friends discuss how they watched their ailing parents rest on pads that bunched under them and caused bed sores or yeast infections.
A child that cannot go to camp for the summer because they could possibly wet the bed, the anxiety of possibly wetting the bed becomes a strong hold.
The reality is that bed wetting is not limited to night time.
The reality is that it's an issue that affects someone that you know, so why is it the Best Kept Secret? All that being said, a few tips on how to use Disposable Products.
Insert a UNDER PAD in your child's sleeping bag before a friend comes over to spend the night.
Combine disposable sheets with Under Pads for a comfortable nights rest.
Camping, take under pads along with your camping equipment.
Hate to sleep on hotel bedding, place a travel pack in your suitcase, and discard after a good night's rest.

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