Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Child Protection

Looking after children is a hard but some children live a a whole new life when not in our care.
We always think that child abuse never happens where we live but on average it will be happening at least once in your street.
Makes you wonder just how far away is it that a poor child or family are experiencing life at the hands of an abuser.
Most abusers will be family members or close people to them so they will probably feel safe and secure with them.
There are 4 different types of abuse, neglect,physical,sexual and emotional.
Most children who are abused will maybe experience 1 or more of these and while at nursery they may find that they feel secure to inform you in there own way that they are being abused.
If information is disclosed to you you should make sure you record all the information word for word of what was said.
Then it should be disclosed to the child protection officer who will then decide what to do with this information.
They will follow the child protection poster and if they feel it is adequate to seek professional advice they will phone the number on the poster and give them the information without but not giving names, then if they feel it is a matter for referral then information will be required.
This will then be followed by a referral form that must be filled out and sent within in 1 working day of the referral being made.
This matter will then be in the hands of social services.
If the information given will not harm the child or interfere with the case then the parents should be told but this is of your desecration.

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