Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Be Considerate to People With Special Needs

Be considerate to people with special needs or who are different from you.
You already know we all come in different shapes, sizes and colours.
We also come in different personalities.
We have different likes and dislikes for foods, hobbies, t.
shows, fashions, etc.
We are all born differently.
That is what makes us so unique as individuals.
Some people are unfortunate and are born with disabilities or are injured in an accident or develop a disease.
When these things happen we might look different, act different, speak different.
Some may walk with a limp, some may be in wheelchairs, some might stutter as they try to speak.
Think about how you would feel if you had the same sort of limitations some of these people have.
You need to be kind, helpful and considerate to these people.
Instead of staring at them, how about giving them a smile.
Perhaps you could say "Hello, how are you going today?" or maybe you could ask them to join you if you are at school in the playground.
It's not easy for them to do the things that we do everyday without thinking.
For some it's a struggle to get out of bed and they need a carer to help them all day.
Be grateful for the health that you have and be kind to those especially who are different on the outside.
But remember we are all the same on the inside.
We are all equal, no matter how good we are at any sport, who good looking we are, how big our house is, our fancy our car is, or how much money our parents make.
Treat everybody as an equal.

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