Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Fun Easter Basket Ideas

Easter is just around the corner and just like always you will need to create Easter basket for your children.
Even if this is your first Easter basket, you probably don't need to make a hole in your pocket.
Here is some fun and interesting ideas for your basket creation that will help you please your outdoor loving kids while staying in budget.
The first one you can start with is forest Easter basket.
This idea is really fun, inexpensive and a great time saver as well.
This can be put together easily and even in less than an hour.
To construct a forest basket for Easter, you will need a brown wooden basket, green and brown shredded paper, hard boiled eggs or plastic eggs, green and orange construction paper, a plush rabbit, 3 dimensional stickers of ladybugs and butterflies and animal shaped cookies.
Once you have got all these items ready, you can start creating your forest basket.
Brown shredded paper will represent soil and it can be placed right at the bottom of the basket.
However, to give it a more natural look, you can also use brown grass.
Then on top of the brown paper, you can lay down green shredded paper to represent grass.
Real green grass can be used here to achieve a real look.
You can then add the plush rabbit in the middle as the centerpiece.
Now, it's time to add the Easter eggs.
If you have used real grass to give your basket a natural look, avoid putting multi-colored eggs in the basket.
But, if you want it to be colorful, you can use all the colors you have on hand.
Then you can put the animal shaped cookies among the eggs.
This will make it look as if the animals are peeking around the eggs.
Use the green and orange colored construction paper to construct carrots out of them.
Cut the orange paper in long triangles and green paper in small rectangles.
You can then shred the green rectangle to make it look like leaves and attach to the base of the long orange triangles.
To give it a finishing look, you can put some stickers of butterflies and ladybugs on the handle of the basket to make it look like the insects are crawling up the basket.
This makes a wonderful basket your child for Easter.
Similarly, you can create a farm Easter basket with the use of similar items for a kid who is an animal or farm lover.
You will need a medium basket, green and yellow grass, boiled eggs or plastic eggs, baby ducks, plush chicks, gummy worms, and 3 dimensional stickers of flowers and ribbons.
To create a farm basket, mix the green and yellow grass together to represent farm hay.
Fill the basket with grass, place your ducks and chicks on the hay and put the eggs around them.
To give your creation a cute touch, break some egg shells and put it beside them or on top of their heads to make it look as if they have just hatched.
Place your gummy worms around the chicks and fill the basket with candy.
Now to give a final touch, tie a ribbon on the handle and place some stickers on the basket so they look like a freshly blooming farm.
And you have a lovely farm themed basket ready for Easter.

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