How to Install an Electric Light Box?
- 1). Locate and mark the desired location on the ceiling for the new electric light box. Next, locate the ceiling joists and make note of their relation to the mark just made. Measure the electric light box and draw its pattern on the ceiling. Cut the pattern with a keyhole saw and check to be sure the electric light box will fit. Locate the electrical panel and turn the main breaker off. Remove the cover with a screwdriver.
- 2). Climb into the attic and locate the new hole in the ceiling. Install two 2-by-4 inch boards between the ceiling joists on either side of the new hole with the drywall screws. They need to be close enough to the hole to secure the electric ceiling light box to them.
- 3). Feed 12 inches of electrical wire through the hole and run it to the wall where the electrical panel is located. Feed it into the electrical panel. Climb down from the attic.
- 4). Feed the electrical wire though the electric light box and secure it to the same 2-by-4 boards with the drywall screws. Remove the outer cover from the electrical wire with a utility knife and strip 1 inch of the insulation from each wire with the wire strippers.
- 5). Install the light fixture, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Next, remove the outer cover from the electrical wire at the electrical panel and strip the insulation for each wire as you previously did.
- 6). Install the breaker, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Install the electrical panel cover and turn the main breaker on.