Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Houston Matchmaking Service - Houston Matchmaking Begins WIth Quality Single Professionals

Once a friend of mine challenged me to try out a Houston matchmaking service that he used regularly he said he would even pay for it. Ive been living in Houston for most of my life and I have never even considered such a thing. My first reaction to it was that it was just a scam to take peoples money and that nothing good could ever come from dating someone you really didnt know. I cant, for the life of me, understand why even took on the challenge that day and called up this houston matchmaking service he recommended. As far as I was concerned, it was never going to work. So, after I had my profile all set up for them, the representative talked to me about all the places that they had on their list where they usually had arrangements for first-time daters. Most of them were places that Id been to before on my own, but some were places that I had heard of but never really tried going to. I felt kind of weird sharing personal information with the guy, but then this was going to be one of those experiences that I was going to laugh about later on, I guess. That night, I got a phone call telling me where to meet my date that my buddy had picked for me because I was being kind of stupid and not wanting to really take the whole Houston matchmaking process seriously. Surprisingly enough, though, my date turned out to be a very interesting and funny (not to mention quite pretty) lady. She had me laughing in the span of the first thirty minutes from our initial introduction by the representative who left shortly after. It was kind of nice to be with a new person for a change. To make a long story short, the date went well, and I actually kept her contact information in case she might want to go out with me again.

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