Family & Relationships Conflict

Here Are the Steps on How to Save a Relationship

Jack spends long hours at work while Jill is at home feeling like he is not there for her.
While Jill is busy taking care of the kids Jack doesn't feel like she has any time for his needs.
Can they save this relationship? Or should they save this relationship? Would you like to know how to save a relationship? You must first decide if the relationship in one that is worth saving.
Most relationships can be saved but it can take hard work from both parties who want it to work.
If one partner has decided they are out there is very little that can be done.
It's common for people to stay in a relationship out of convenience or because there are children involved.
But this is not enough.
Knowing how to save a relationship will start with an agreement by both parties that it's worth saving the relationship.
The next step is to figure out exactly what the problems are in the relationship.
It's common to focus on the symptoms of the problem and believe it is the problem instead of focusing on the real problem that is causing the symptoms.
For example if someone has an affair it's common to look at the affair as the problem that caused the break up.
But the affair was probably just the symptom of a deeper problem.
The real problem may have been a lack of intimacy that lead to someone straying.
But most people will focus on the affair and not on the real problem which was the lack of intimacy in the relationship.
If you don't fix the real problem of the lack of intimacy you will likely continue to have more symptoms like another affair or maybe something else like a problem with pornography.
When you can start to deal with the real problems instead of focusing on the symptoms then the relationship can be saved.
Once the core problems are identified you can both verbalize and listen to each others thoughts feelings and concerns.
Show signals to your partner that you want to connect when you are talking about your problems even when emotions are swirling.
You can do this by doing things like holding your partner's hand while talking.
Remember that the things that are being said are being said to try to help the relationship.
So if things are said that hurt keep in mind that the intentions of saying these things are to help and not meant to hurt.
Once the problems of the relationship have been identified you can now make a plan of action to solve them.
Then actually take the steps and follow through with the plan.
If the problem is that you don't spend enough time together then make a concrete plan to set aside some time to spend together every week.
If the problem is you are not communicating then make a commitment to spend a certain amount of time at a specific time every day to talk.
Most important is to actually do these things.
Realize that it's an ongoing process to save a relationship.
You may have setbacks but as long as you can maintain 2 steps forward and only one step back you will make progress.

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