Technology Computer & Networking security

Virus Versus Antivirus

General Description Abbreviation of Virus is Vital Information Resource Under Siege.
Virus is not a worm, in computer jargon virus is unwanted or unauthorized program which can have access of Computer Resources & may cause different abnormal behaviour to the system.
Virus are nothing but a software or program developed by human kind.
It can cause major problems in computer system.
It can corrupt application software, hardware & other software as well.
Trojan Horse, Acid, Acme etc.
Anti-viruses are softwares or programs which are designed & developed in such a way that it can detect & delete viruses as well as protect the system from unwanted & unauthorized access.
History 1949: Father of Computer Science John von Neumann had given postulates that computer programs could regenerate itself.
1972: 'Veith Risak' had written a virus in Assembly Language for SIEMENS computer system.
1980: 'Jurgen Kraus had given postulates that computer viruses are similar to biological viruses.
1984: 'Fren Cohen' first published paper named "Computer viruses - Theory and Experiments".
Virus Infection When any virus attack on a system, the system gets infected.
A virus reproduces itself in the system.
A single virus multiplies it thousand times & more in the system.
General behavior of the system after a system is being attacked is shutting down & restarting the system, unusual sound coming up.
Virus Detection This phase is for anti-virus software.
If a system is infected with viruses then anti-virus comes into picture.
Anti-virus can detect all infected files or programs.
It has the capacity to fix the issue, to quarantine or to delete.
Examples for anti-virus software: Norton, McAfee, Avast etc.
Protection from Viruses System's automated tool e.
Windows Firewalls prevent unauthorized access till some extent.
In that case Windows Firewall raise warnings.
To increase & emphasize the system protection end user needs to install anti-virus software.
Removal of Viruses There is a facility called System Restore available in Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
Using this option system files can be restored at last changed state.
Virus can disable System Restore, System Task Manager, Command Prompt.
Virus can be removed by rebooting the system, entering windows in safe mode & so on.
If a virus has attacked the system then virus could be removed by formatting the entire hard disk & reinstalling the operating system.
A particular infected drive could also be formatted to remove viruses from that drive.

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