What Are Ipomoea Insects?
- The three main pests of Ipomoea plants are aphids, the four-lined plant bug and the morning-glory leaf miner larvae. Insects such as white flies are less common pests.
- Aphids suck the juices from plants and in enough numbers, are capable of killing the plant. They are a pest of Ipomoea Marguerite, or sweet potato vine, and can be found on the undersides of leaves.
- The morning glory is a host for the four-lined plant bug, which causes brown spots on the leaves. The leaves may become deformed and fall off.
- The larvae of the morning-glory leaf miner moth will attack the leaves of the morning glory and the sweet potato. The adults deposit eggs on the leaves, where the larvae stay until adulthood.
- A close relative of aphids, white flies can infest moon flowers and sweet potatoes. Like aphids, they can be found on the undersides of leaves and they suck the juices from the plant.