Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

The Best Pesticide for Grub Control


    • The best pesticide for grub control is actually a microscopic creature that eats the grubs, called a nematode, according to the "Growing Concerns" column of the "London Free Press" newspaper, because overuse of chemicals has killed off both good and bad bugs in the soil. This method is safe for the environment and is suitable for use in municipalities where the use of chemical pesticides on residential lawns is illegal.


    • This nematodes are sold on a sponge and soaked in water to become a solution. Apply the nematodes to the lawn using a garden sprayer. Because nematodes are sensitive to cold and sunlight, this application should be done on a warm, rainy day with plenty of cloud cover.

    Fun Fact

    • Nematodes continue to reproduce in the soil. This means that they will continue to thrive and eat lawn grubs until none are left. It will take several years to eliminate the grubs.

    Other Pesticides

    • Another grub-controlling pesticide is imidacloprid, sold as Merit, and this pesticide destroys the nervous system of most species of common white grubs. Unfortunately this pesticide is also toxic to beneficial creatures like earth worms and honey bees.

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