Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Keep Ants From the Dog Food & Cage

    Dog food bowl

    • 1). Cut a hole in the lid of the plastic container so that the dog food bowl can be placed inside with 1 inch of clearance all around.

    • 2). Pour 1 inch of water into the plastic container before placing the bowl inside. If the water comes all the way up and overflows the sides of the dish, pour some out and replace the bowl. The water in the plastic container should not come up so far that your dog will easily be able to lick it up.

    • 3). Pour a few drops of dish detergent into the water in the plastic container. This prevents the ants from swimming across to the dish, and also stops them from leaving a chemical trail which leads other ants to the bowl.


    • 1). Wash all bedding in the cage regularly to remove particles of food that will attract ants.

    • 2). Wash out the inside of the cage every other time you wash the bedding, as small amounts of food may drop to the bottom of the cage, also attracting ants.

    • 3). Wash the area around your dog's cage with soap and water. This will destroy the chemical trails that ants leave to guide other ants back to sources of food. Simply washing the area within a few feet around your pet's cage every two or three days will keep most ants from returning.

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