Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How To Detect Whether Your Dog Is Suffering From Problems Due To Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is a common problem with most dogs.
They are extremely affectionate animals and often become attached with their owners.
This causes them to suffer from depression in the absence of their master.
However, most owners do not realize whether their dogs need help.
It is extremely important to understand that whether your dog is suffering from depression from being left alone or he simply isn't trained to stay calm at home.
At first examine the behavior of your pet.
If your dog appears to chew or bark when at home normally, then it may be a part of his nature.
When living with the members at home even if the dog behaves abnormally then also it might simply require to get trained.
If he happens to behave unusually when alone at home then possibly your dog is suffering from depression due to anxiety.
If your dog is exposed to accidents when performing training activities in your absence then those are not related to anxiety issues.
Your pet may bark when bored or when he does not receive enough attention.
In fact, severe cases of depression due to separation are extremely rare in dogs.
Dog separation anxiety is actually more than a behavioral issue.
If your dog is emotionally down trodden, then he might behave just like how humans do when left alone.
However, some of the most applicable issues with anxiety is excitement or nervousness when you are about to leave.
In fact, a dog stricken with such conditions might become unruly and wild and may even start to destroy things inside the house.
Certain dogs may just whine or bark for about ten or fifteen minutes after you're gone while symptoms of dog depression anxiety may go on for hours.
Several factors can contribute to the emergence of separation anxiety problems.
It might occur for varying degrees of intensity which entirely depends on the reason and also the nature of your dog.
Certain common causes are as enlisted: - Moving out of the house for a long time.
- Leaving your dog alone frequently when he was younger.
- Your dog does not go out or socialize.
-The dog is ill or is weak.
-Your pet undergoes a traumatic situation.
-The dog is extremely nervous by nature and requires being accompanied at all times.
Dog separation anxiety can make the owner feel guilty but there are certainly ways to help overcome this problem.
If the problem persists even then, it's advisable to consult a veterinarian for medication.

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